
The 0oo is made to realize the functions of thinking, making and trading. It is composed of several applications, called core, hlog, hsell and huser, that group database tables, however, for all practical purposes you can consider it to be a single application of "h-base" -- HomeBase, where hlog serves for exchange of goals, ideas and projects, the hsell serves the trade of parts of their results, such as products, and huser is for extensions and features of user model without extending Django User model through inheritance.


You can download our data at (updated hourly), for example:

wget -O db.sqlite3
(Last update: --)
Then, you can read it, for example:
sqlitebrowser db.sqlite3

See the below for information about the relations.



Below is specification of the roles of database relations in Network Resource Vocabular, following the terminology of NRV 2.0, made up of 5 areas, that serve as the basic representation of what the "h-base" is about:

100: resource ( 200: category - 300: system - 400: method - 500: operation )
Meaning, ultimately, everything is a resource (synonymously: a topic), but some resources are category-like, system-like, method-like, operation-like.

 Application-specific tables:
1. hlog.intent :: v2/210,220,230 - category:{goal, concept, question} ("Question") 2. hlog.reference :: v2/153 - resource:location:url (a link under question) 3. hlog.remark :: v2/529 - operation:order:message (a comment under question) 4. hlog.method :: v2/410,420,450 - method:{idea, principle, invention} ("Idea") 5. :: v2/528 - operation:order:evaluation (a vote under idea) 6. :: v2/153 - resource:location:url (a link under idea) 7. hlog.annotation :: v2/529 - operation:order:message (a comment under idea) 8. hlog.event :: v2/120 - resource:event (appears in "newsroom" as event) 9. hlog.opinion :: v2/529 - operation:order:message (comment on news event) 10. hlog.topic :: v2/100: 200, 300, 400 - resource:* (we use them to aggregate timeline of "concepts", "ideas" and "projects") 11. :: v2/529 - operation:order:message (we use them though to aggregate timeline of "remarks", "annotations", "comments")
12. hlog.project :: v2/330,360 - system:{organization,project} ("Project") 13. :: v2/210 - category:goal (serves as "challenges": tasks to be done) 14. hlog.operation :: v2/521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528 - operation:order:{buy,sell,transfer,machining,shipment,payment,contract} (appears as "transfer") 15. :: v2/151,152,160 - resource:location:{address,account,ledger} (appears as "locations") 16. hlog.tool :: v2/310,320,340,350 - method:SYSTEM:{structure,mechanism,process,api} (appears as "equipment") 17. hlog.task :: v2/ - operation:task:{programming,engineering,manufacturing,treatment,art} (serves as "results": only done tasks) 18. hlog.comment :: v2/529 - operation:order:message (a comment under project) 19. :: v2/500: 520, 530, 210 - operation:order:* operation:task:* category:goal (we use them though to aggregate timeline of "tasks", "targets", "operations")
20. hsell.wages :: v2/110 - resource:record (tables of "wages" for countries, recorded from 21. hsell.rates :: v2/110 - resource:record (tables of exchange "rates" for currencies, recorded from and 22. hsell.product :: v2/470 - method:product (appears as "product" in market, an endpoint of ordering) 23. hsell.order :: v2/521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528 - operation:order:{buy,sell,transfer,machining,shipment,payment,contract} (appears as "order": grouper for instances of products) 24. hsell.message :: v2/529 - operation:order:message (private "message" as comment on conversation under an "order") 25. :: v2/130 - resource:document (a file that is used to provide pictures and videos for products) 26. hsell.historicalorder :: v2/120 - resource:event (historical changes of order states that includes its statuses) 27. huser.profile :: v2/370 - system:person () 28. huser.question :: v2/529 - operation:order:message (private or public message that appears as personal "question" on user profile)
29. hlog.language :: v2/240 - category:property (for multilingual content support) 30. :: v2/240 - category:property (user properties, such as additional cryptographic keys and other credentials) 31. huser.invite :: v2/320, v2/470 - system:mechanism, method:product (of/for generating a user registration) 32. core.messagetemplate :: v2/311 - system:structure:prototype (message template) 33. core.emailmessage :: v2/529 - operation:order:message (email messages sent or to be sent) 34. core.subscription :: v2/320 - system:mechanism (of generating messages) Framework-specific tables:
35. contenttypes.contenttype :: v2/220 - category:concept (Django ContentType) 36. :: v2/152 - resource:location:account (Django Site) 37. auth.permission :: v2/240 - category:property (Django Permission) 38. auth.user :: v2/370 - system:person (Django User) 39. admin.logentry :: v2/120 - resource:event (Django Admin LogEntry) 40. database.constance :: v2/240 - category:property (django-constance database-based constants: Constance) 41. account.emailaddress :: v2/152 - resource:location:account (django-allauth authentication framework EmailAddress) 42. sessions.session :: v2/111 - resource:record:identifier (Django Session)

Final words

So, if you wonder, what 0oo system is about -- it is not just about thinking, making and trading, -- importantly, it is about resources: categories, systems, methods and operations, and it is our hope to integrate information about these things in general, beyond this application itself, so as to enable people to drill down to any system spanning many applications (be it an issue in human body or a spaceship -- which are systems too), figure out how they work, and be able to fix and improve them. For that, there are a couple of ideas about creating "database of systems", or network of functions, and we're continuing to think how to improve and decentralize the exchange of such information. For one, it would be helpful to arrive at a stable version of "Network Resource Vocabulary". On one hand, more concrete data sources (like ones in the idea of supercategories for public intelligence) can be specified to fill the knowledge gaps, on the other hand, more abstract ideas how to better describe all protocols such as metaformat with "polycontext metasymbol" are emerging and allow us to see the way how it can be done.