Money valuation as a continuous wave function like the stock market


Imagine being capable of affording something really expensive one minute but not the next? This is how dynamic production could be


Your money can be worth a different amount of money over time, based on your contributions to society.

If you do 8 hours of work, your money should suddenly be worth more.

If you accept a lot of free things and do no work, your money should be worth less.


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I suggest that the value of people's money be directly valued based on that person.

So money isn't just a number, and that number has buying power but that there is a recursive function person_x(person_y(society_valuation((f(person_z, numerical amount, person_z_demand_history, person_z_work_or_additions_to_society)))) = buying power.

I think the valuation of money is invisible at this time.

My impression is that money already works like that (e.g., air ticket price fluctuation makes cheap travel more affordable at times, there are also various cheap deal opportunities, called "sell-offs", etc., and the value of money is very contextual and multiple: e.g., a single unit of currency being worth a cup of coffee AND a trip to another side of the country, sometimes at the same price), but it's not visualized, and not focused on making the opportunities apparent to segments of society. Is it that what you're proposing -- is some system to visualize that, and help alleviate the wealth inequality?

In Ireland there's something called the stock market bar, where prices of menu items are displayed on a television display, the prices change over time over the night. You can get a drink or food cheaply if you wait for it.

There's some algorithm which causes the stock market bar to be entertaining to those who visit.

Now, society is composed of many people, and each person is contributing a different thing every second.

Some people (consumers) contribute demand for products: water, electricity, food which generates work for others. This is a good thing. We need to represent that demand as part of a wave function. So we need some way of detecting demand for things, digital accounting systems can solve this problem. Such as an app on a smartphone with a button. Or digital NFC keyed shops and workplaces.

When everyone is watching television, no work is being done and when the kettle is turned on, the use of electricity goes up.

I think some people contribute to a better society than other people. I think essential workers such as delivery drivers, chefs and supermarket logistics are very important people for civilized civilization. They allow the rest of society to function. Unfortunately there is no prestige in these positions and they are not respected by the vast majority of society. Unfortunately, educated people are not willing to do these kinds of jobs due to economic incentives mean they can get more elsewhere.

People who have wealth are lazier than people who are forced into labour everyday, economically they produce more wealth but they also do less actual work in the world. Feeding 1000 people in a local area is more fundamentally essential than generating $billions in revenues.

I don't want to force everyone to be productive, that's the opposite of my goal.

I want the people who do the most work to be rewarded by what they can afford. So even a poor person should deserve the output of 1000 rich persons he provides for.

The wave function produces a higher number when work is done and a low number when no work is being done.

This is a force multiplier. The demand signal is really valuable, when you're in a restaurant and there is a demand for a certain menu item, you cook more of that kind of item in preparation for the demand.

Likewise, a laptop or phone manufacturer produces more of the kind of item that has high demand. The demand signal itself is valuable but nobody is paid for it.

People should be paid for their demand signal, as it coordinates society and orchestrates best use of resources for mutual profitability.

The wave function is added to what money you do have, and this increases the power of your purchases and acts as additional money in the system.

    : transiency
    : Mindey
    :  -- 


You didn't specify the how this would work exactly... So how?