Togetherism for Survival
Togetherism, as an abstraction of Communism and Democracy
Two of the most prominent surviving political ideologies arguably are democracy and communism. However, when you look deeper, democracy is about deciding and thinking together, and communism is about doing and having together.
So, both ideologies talk about togetherness in one aspect or another. Unity as such, has been a defining theme of nations and organizations across centuries. Many even today have retained the theme in the national mottos.
The idea of the concept of "Together_ism_" as such might work as a part of a political campaign or ideology, that promotes cooperation rather than conflict.
Communionism means that you get rewarded for what you add to the collective by everyone else as you are in communion with everyone else. If you add little, you get little back.
The business world is a nasty place. Everything boils down to money and selfish self interest. There's very little cooperation except with suppliers.
How is work allocated?
In capitalism, the most desperate people do the work because they are worried about feeding, sheltering themselves and their families. You get a job because the alternative is far worse.
In communism you are forced to work just as you are in capitalism.
// thinking and deciding together
Love this! What about "doing / creating" together, so that a healthy life and healthy society involves a complete process of creativity?
// You did not define what is Togetherism here.
In a sense I did, "thinking and deciding together." We are the borg.
You did not define what is Togetherism here.
So, how do we define communionism (Wikipedia)?
There's a huge difference between communism and communionism.
I want communionism which has your definition.