Ruta P&L: -61.5 (≃ -569 USD)
Personal services to friends and new friends.
⬜️ Tutor intro video for CafeTalk
⬜️ Web designer intro video: Elementor screen-share
⬜️ 3 lessons intros as short videos on youtube unlisted setting
⬜️ Learndash, Stripe, Woocommerce integration with my website
⬜️ Campaign kick off on UpWork (testing how much time spent is to deliver each service, how much they are willing to pay, how satisfied are the clients)
⬜️ Sample proposal to test "Brainchildren" campaign
⬜️ Update my website based on "Brainchildren" proposition: leave only web tutor, business coach, web design services with links to other projects for other services (like 2kokono for workshops and for brand services)
⬜️ Review, categorise and publish 237 draft blogs
⬜️ Find a plugin that plays audios as Elementor Widget
⬜️ Add audios across website to work as a real human voice behind the brand
☑️ Font update: Rubik for body instead of Quicksand to improve blog readability
☑️ Redesigned a blog archive with categories as sections and specific post-by-category loading in each section; each post as a card with title only to resemble a look of paper sticky notes
☑️ Single blog post template updates (header, body, responsive, breadcrumbs)
☑️ Editing the design of 87 blogs and changing settings from Draft to Published
☑️ After reviewing my blog, I realised my value proposition, so updated a homepage with my process and tools
☑️ Gallery next to Reviews
☑️ Started a facilitator page
☑️ Made about page
☑️ Design adjustments: no border radius for buttons, contact form fields and photos; colors (selected text as yellow), simpler footer, newsletter forms adjustments
☑️ Translations update for homepage
☑️ Speed optimisation
☑️ New fonts: Poppins and Quicksand
☑️ New colours: brownish background, purple shades
☑️ New blog archive and single blog layout with newsletter forms and recaptcha v3 designed with Elementor
☑️ Design decisions: header, footer, portfolio gallery, contact form, buttons, menu pointer, etc.
☑️ New pages: homepage (in EN and LT), web design (EN)
☑️ Calendly setup and integration
☑️ Made a creative landing page with Elementor for a new product
☑️ Learning the features of CafeTalk tutoring system
☑️ Setting up my profile, schedule, lessons, requested a screening call!
☑️ Deep dive into Elementor website from scratch based on Adobe xd wireframes
☑️ Had a video call with a nice owner of a small agency in UK via UpWork last week
☑️ Started the first mini project yesterday
Malu agreed to be my manager at
☑️ Profile description for CafeTalk
☑️ Described and edited web lessons I want to offer to students
☑️ Made 4 videos and published 1 on YouTube.
☑️ Re-used the video for profile pic for social media. The photo turned out funny - like a real serious consultant talkinh but from the face and funky background it speaks humour, which is the brand style.
☑️ Delivered a 4 hour scren-share service and got a testimonial!
☑️ Found my first web tutor client on UpWork and had a 0.5 hour virtual coffee on Zoom
☑️ Self-inquiry session marked with a sketch of a purple door in the vortex that summarises a concept of Construction and Destruction, which later became a Logo with a symbol of spiraling horizontally through chaos
Update from Ruta world! With [malü] we're doing a weekly challenge where we connect on Zoom to showcase what we have done in the past week to move our projects/dreams forward.
So for Saturday March 19th our collective challenge is:
To create 3 intro videos about our lessons (pursuing our dreams to have online creativity schools!)
Stay tuned.. :)
Hello World! I'm kicking off my personal brand project here. I love lifelogging, so I'm going to ue this space to share about my progress towards my desired life path.
I had a problem lately, where I was feeling information overload and energy drain. So I realised that I a need to use my energy wisely, and focus on those activities that don't consume much energy: like working from home instead of f2f and doing things I'm good at.
So far, I'd like to realise myself through 4 buckets:
Working as a professional web designer (creative WordPress), even moving into UI/UX, working with a manager, so that I could focus on creative expression rather than client briefs
Working as a web tutor, sharing with people through screen-share calls how to start a website with WordPress
Working as a creative business coach, guiding people on how to create a purposeful business based on their story ("brainchildren")
Creating shared visions together with people who are different to me: 2kokono and o2oo with Malu and Mindey :D
Lifelogs coming as they come :)
Wow, what a friendly self-intro video!