Subscribe Query, demand, category, domain, a concept, goal, problem, question or an interest.
+2 |(19,694) Benefitting everybody as much as possible: How can we benefit everybody as much as possible? Shouldn't our aim in society to benefit everybody? (2, +) [en]
0 |(19,533) Habitability of Inhabitable Locations: How to inhabit uninhabitable locations? (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,465) Personalized Diet: How to discover what foods are good for each individual? (7, +) [en]
0 |(19,322) Cataloguing Mathematical Models: How would we go about creating a referencible repository of mathematical models? (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,268) Extreme Health: Why should health improvement ever stop? (6, +) [en]
+1 |(19,219) Distributed command and coordination: How does a loosely organised group of people get work done? (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,213) Dressing up future humans: How might we classify clothing elements and imagine new ones? (2, +) [en]
0 |(19,212) o2oo Feature Requests: What functionality do we want at online makerspace? (9, +) Base Administration [en]
0 |(19,210) Funding-Work-Revenue cross dependency: To get something created and sustainable you need money and customers, to get customers you need something created. To get something created you need worker. To get funding you need something you're going to create. It's such a vicious cycle that has no obvious opening. If people could get together to create a product, they could all profit in excess of a salary. (3, +) [en]
0 |(19,209) Scaling trust: There's spam, scams, lying, malware and thieving on the internet and in the world for material gain. How do we scale security and trust? (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,203) Invention code: Imagine there's a list of attributes that you can design something to have and there's a list of implementations to those attributes. This looks like a nested list of numbers [[1], [3,2, [0, 2, 3], 3, 2]]] where each placement corresponds to a known property of that invention. (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,200) Synchronize Postgresql databases: Imagine issuing a COPY TO query for every table in a database and then syncing the resulting CSV with other nodes. We can add a version column to every table so we avoid syncing unnecessarily. Conflict detection could be implemented by showing multiple copied and marking one as active. (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,197) Unlimited upside debt and debt tax autopayment: The risk of debt is that someone can default on their debt, but that person shall eventually earn money, we can guarantee repayment of debt by taxing that person after essential expenses and repaying the debt without the debt growing unsustainably (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,197) Human block hotel: There is an affordable housing shortage. Imagine a crane and a building that is filled with capsules for human sleeping, when you want to go to sleep, you get into an empty capsule and the door closes and then you are picked up by the crane and put onto a pile of capsules. When you want to get out, you press a button and the crane moves boxes around to get you out. People at the bottom wait longer to get out but they do get out eventually. There would be emergency failsafes too, in case you get stuck. (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,196) How to get people to do things for you - worker escrow: I think should have a jobs section with numerical amounts of money attached to them. I can pay people to work on something for me. (2, +) [en]
0 |(19,196)
Front offloading risk strategies: Everything entails risk of failure, we can manage risk of failure by front loading terms so that losses from failure is limited, insurance is an example, it protects against adverse effects, there are funding strategies that offload risk from the attempt, such as Pipe which exchanges subscribers for capital (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,196)
Active investment gives poor returns: Actively managed investments rarely return more than the whole market. It's almost as if intelligence doesn't help Active investment is the act of researching companies and initiatives and deciding what to invest in. Unfortunately the returns from this activity are less than investing in index funds. Index funds represent a bit of everything or the whole market. Ironically an index is actively decided upon, the criteria to be included in the index is a decision. Some companies enter or leave an index based on revenue or other criteria. (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,196) The Predicament of Having Nothing or society is terrible: To survive, you need money, to get money you need to provide services to others or provide value, to provide value you need money, to get a job you need to provide value, nobody pays you before you work a month, for things to be easier for you, someone else needs to do work on your behalf, every man carries his own burden, nobody is willing to extend a debt to someone else unless they're rewarded for it, Life is difficult if you have nothing. (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,194) Eventual consistency strategies: Eventual consistency is database state that eventually looks the same everywhere. It assumes a multiple replica database. Each replica is available during a partition. So updates can occur to the same data. You need some way of resynchronizing changed that interfere with eachother (0, +) [en]
+2 |(19,191) Metaphorical programming: I feel that abstractions in programming are not powerful enough. What we really want to program with is metaphors. So I imagine complicated systems visualised a network of pipes like a circuit board. And I can introduce the metaphor of cars driving around a network. A loop is a depot that produces cars around a circuit. You can have visibility and observability of a system by rendering dataflow visually. (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,191) Conway's law: The structure of software resembles the communication between organisations or individuals. There is a homomorphism of software component to component. (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,189) Writing flexible reusable software: Writing software that does a thing is fairly straightforward. Writing software that can adapt to change is difficult. It's challenging to write software that can be easily customised. It's a completely different approach to build adaptable software (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,184) Maximising use of the CPU: Imagine a 2 dimensional diagram where each Y is a separate thread and X is time. You want work to fill the 2 dimensional diagram. Unfortunately most people's for loops look like a sequential row on a table, rather than a column. You want rows and columns to be filled. can we write an algorithm that fills the rows and columns with work and coordinates communication automatically? (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,184) Computer errors: What should we do of computer errors? (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,182)
Responsively fast software: Computers shouldn't lag, ever. I am interested in ideas how to speed up the perceived performance of computers. (2, +) [en]
+1 |(19,179) Coordination problem: How to solve problems as groups of people (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,177) Money as a function: I want to write an algorithm that takes a numerical amount and turns it into a set of purchases that optimise a function of some property. In effect you can say how much you want to spend and you get a set of fulfilments from that. (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,170) Decentralised automated organisations: How do we create a decentralised automated organisation (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,162) Inter-Ontological Concepts for Inter-App Synchronization: How to avoid reinventing app models and ontology concepts, and reuse existing work on them across software ecosystems and ontologies? (1, +) [en]
+2 |(19,160) Choosing Nootropics: How to optimize choice of smart drugs, individually? (5, +) [en]
0 |(19,159) Optimising software: I am interested in ideas for optimising software (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,158) Dream browser: What should a browser provide? What APIs should be provided? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(19,158)
Browser monoculture: Google and Apple and Firefox effectively owns the browser market, there are very few competitor browsers with their own engines. (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,158)
Monoculture: For some things such as crops and software there is only under the authority of one entity (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,154) Motor standardization: How to properly define a small gradient of motor types to power everything? (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,150) Slow life: In the world businesses are expected to borrow money and pay interest on the money as return for the use of the money. You owe more than you were given. As a result you cannot fail as then you shall be out more than you received. I have sutained motivation for a few days and then I am tired and I want to relax but if I start a business I cannot relax (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,137) Life scalability: The paradox of the economy means that a large portion of society shall be poor as they won't provide more benefits than they cost. The capitalist system means that you need to provide a lot of value added benefit to lots of individuals to profit. In other words there is a scalability problem to providing for yourself (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,134) Who pays for your human rights?: Everyone needs shelter, food and to pay their costs of bills. But are these a human right? But surely that doesn't mean they are free as they aren't free to provide (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,130) The Paradox of the Economy: Everything you buy needs to pay for all the salaries and costs of and needs of everyone involved in producing the good. This relationship is recursive. As they each need that from everyone they buy from. So how can there be enough money for everyone? And others need you to do things for them as part of your work (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,127) Visualize or visible demand: How to cause demand to be visible to others in society (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,125)
Safer world: We can change the world to be safer (0, +) [en]
+2 |(19,124) Work aggregation and work pattern matching: Everyday 7 billion people do something in their average day. Someone needs to decide what these people do and some of it is intellectual and some is physical. Why isn't customer service perfect? Surely there is enough people to do the work. Why can't I phone government or my bank and my problems be resolved instantly over the phone. There must be a system that everyone could use that allows the work that each person does to satisfy the needs of multiple people. I propose work items are created and matched to others that have similar patterns. We could combine jobs and information together so that someone on the way somewhere also does other tasks that help others that have similar problems. If I am doing some work on a computer, this work must match patterns of someone else's work on the computer. (2, +) [en]
+2 |(19,123) Document based databases: How should we use document based databases? (4, +) [en]
0 |(19,122) What to spend resources on: How should I spend my money? (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,122)
Database technology: Storing data and querying it and scaling it is a problem that many individuals and organisations experience. Let's talk of databases (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,121) Non fungible numbers: Multiplication and addition that is no longer commutative (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,111) (A+xB)/C = y: An algorithm to find x, when A, B, C and y are integers. (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,107)
Truly personal computation: Bill Gates wanted to put a desktop computer into every home (2, +) [en]
+1 |(19,107) Questioning the reality of time amidst current TRANSITIONS, is time Obsolete?: Are "hours" valid for currency? do hours have their own currencies? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(19,107) Is time obsolete - cont.: Are currencies the new "hours"? (0, +) [en]
+2 |(19,100) Raising awareness of Infinity family: How do we bring people toward Infinity family? (6, +) [en]
+1 |(19,098) Networking with Futurists Communities: How might we discover futurists communities and connect with Infinity Family? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(19,092) Some people are takers and don't give back: When I look at publicly provided services that are free is that they are underfunded and exploited. As people take advantage of what can be taken for free. Free and fair things benefits everyone as it raises the tide of all boats. But some people take advantage. (0, +) [en]
+1 |(19,090) Sea vs Boat Mindset: Be asocial copycats or crediting idea recyclers? (4, +) [en]
+1 |(19,090) Wrong people doing the things and right people doing the wrong things: We have cars and smartphones and yet have poverty and difficulty of being, mental health problems - surely poverties and mental health problems are more tractable than building an advanced robotic car factory, smartphone or launching things into space. (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,088) An economics that solves the finiteness of money: The problem with money is that it is so finite. There is never enough of it in the same place where it can do good (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,088)
Sharing Digital Resources (6, +) [en]
+1 |(19,088)
Empowering Humans to Think and Decide (5, +) [en]
0 |(19,088) Sentience of Companies and their Ownership/Trade Rights: Should we allow companies to be owned, when they are sentient supra-organisms, based on subtle human-to-human relationships? (4, +) [en]
+4 |(19,087) Programmatic Access and Control: How to build generic programmatic access solution to help people scale thinking and doing? (6, +) [en]
+1 |(19,087) Window/tab merge: Why do you have multiple tabs open? The answer is that you're cross referencing in your head. Why not let the computer do it? (4, +) [en]
0 |(19,086) Advert overload: We live in a world of too many advertisements for our time and attention. (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,086) People decide how to do their work: Work is often boring and people secretly believe it doesn't need to be done as David Graeber found out. This puzzle is to find out how to cause work to be free and independent of outside requirements so people are empowered. (0, +) [en]
0 |(19,084) Community personality types: I invite you to take a personality quiz and post your responses here so we can match together people who would work well together (3, +) [en]
+1 |(19,083) People twist: People in different companies across organisations are running according to some plan or set of instructions - how do we change behaviours across organisations and groups to achieve common goals (14, +) [en]
+1 |(19,078) Rewarding and tracking good: Why is the only unit of measurement money? Why are we not measuring love or good done? (1, +) [en]
0 |(19,021) Reincarnation of Fashion Waste: Wearable Bacterial Art: Why not transform second-hand clothes into wearable art which carry colonies of bacterias? (4, +) [en]
+2 |(19,004) Shift in Human Values from Input to Output: How could humans balance attention? (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,991)
Artifcial Blood: How to create artificial blood? (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,988) Paranoya and stealth: Is stealth a security need for humans developing their next salvashion from the cyst umm!!? (0, +) [en, CN, RU, JA, LT]
+1 |(18,987)
Humans as Community: How to move away from "I" thinking to "WE" thinking? (11, +) [en]
+1 |(18,987)
An economic system that frees humanity from unnecessary suffering and meaningless work (9, +) [en]
0 |(18,985)
what is log4j: What to know about the Log4j vulnerability? (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,984) 0-day: How to prevent or mitigate zero-day vulnerabilities? (0, +) [en, cn, lt, ru, ja]
0 |(18,984)
Computer Security: How to secure our computer systems? (0, +) [en, cn, lt, ru, ja]
+1 |(18,959) Discovery Methods for Living Systems: What new methods would help explore consciousness of other beings? (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,915) Integrating education and industry: Education and job hiring should be integrated. We have a complicated endeavour - rocket science, food and industrial logistics, browser engines, search engines - people should be funelled into positions from school. No job interviews (2, +) [en]
+1 |(18,908)
SolarPunk Future: How could we imagine the future and describe it in detail in our stories? (10, +) [en]
0 |(18,905)
Fruitful Learning Maps: How to learn new information and include it into life? (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,900) Increasing the amount of love in the universe: I believe love and language (the basis of reality) are cornerstones of existence. Increasing love in the universe makes the universe grow. (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,898) Mechanism of existence: If God exists and there is nothing outside of God then what am I? (3, +) [en]
0 |(18,894) Nobody can agree on change - or change is suppressed by those in power: Pick any societal law or change and there will be a sizable group of people who oppose it for any reason. Consensus is impossible in society. (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,894)
The Great Stagnation: Society's laws and expectations have stagnated. Nobody really considers what the future should hold. There's a couple of science fictions that consider the future but culture and society in the west is stagnated (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,893)
Guaranteed Profitibility: Profitability determines whether or not some thing gets done (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,893) Resenting God: I was created as a spirit to be a unique verb before God. Like God is I am I am also a doing verb - I do things uniquely to other parts of creation. Be it invention, writing or art. I am a knife who resents being expected to cut things. (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,892) Decimal time use: Would you like us to use Decimal time in the system? (1, +) Base Administration [en]
+1 |(18,891) Resilience to the worst of humanity: The average person is selfish, greedy, not very intelligent and an emotionally stunted illogical thinker. How can any economic system win the support of the majority if these things are true (5, +) [en]
0 |(18,891) Web technologies too hard to implement: A web browser is so complicated that there are over 1200 specs to understand to implement a conforming web browser (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,885) Smart ontologies: The semantic web technologies introduced interesting ideas like RDF and semantic reasoning with OWL. We can produce new facts from old facts. (7, +) [en]
0 |(18,885) Convenience: How would you make life more convenient? I'm interested in what would make your life easier (0, +) [en]
+1 |(18,884) Embodied Imagination Training: How to learn to imagine but also to synthesise and prototype, all in one experience? (3, +) [en]
0 |(18,884) Synthesis: Organising Individual Thinking Before Synthesis (1, +) [en]
+1 |(18,884) Energy crisis: What if we run out of energy? So no more efficient fossil fuels (1, +) [en]
0 |(18,884)
Desired Software: Infinity family has a number of software engineers as members. We need to communicate what we need from eachother so we can build upon each others work. But it would be nice to put together things that people want so maybe a following of people can build them (4, +) [en]
0 |(18,882) Sustainable distribution: We are an incredibly dirty species. We pollute our environment. Meat, milk, bread and other foods come in plastic packaging - which we attempt to recycle poorly or throw to landfill (0, +) [en]
0 |(18,882)
Software principles: What do you think software should have? (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,881)
Irreconcilable differences: People have different opinions. How do we avoid tyranny from the minority or majority? (3, +) [en]
+1 |(18,881)
Making Sure We Use Time Effectively: How to make sure that we maximize utility of our time? (9, +) [en, cn]
0 |(18,881) Hierarchical society: In my country the UK and countries like Dubai, the native population has wealth but does not work hard jobs. Instead, immigrants are imported to do the job. (2, +) [en]
0 |(18,881) Photosynthetic human: We should make our own food in our bodies (8, +) [en]