Community scheduling


Schedule every human to a residential home that is near work


Assuming you could allocate who lives where, you could allocate everybody to a home that is within 10 minutes (walking or driving) of their office.

You could pick a number of friends and you will be positioned so you are nearby your friends too.

Centrally managed residences. A formula calculates how much you pay for your residential home that is fair. (Bigger house, pay more)


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I think we need a general purpose resource scheduler. An organisation could have one for jobs. Allocates people to teams, to jobs.

    : Mindey
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// You describe that you like cafes.

Ok, that's getting more involved, and considering the data privacy problems to do it while preserving everyone's rights is not a trivial market and AI recommendation task, but obviously, can be done with simple questionnaires, with some homomorphic encryption.

How would it work? I suggest it be used to build a new city:

Put all the housing lots, office lots into a big algorithm for placing people and give people locations that are within 10 minutes away from work office lots. Everybody should get a good position.

The idea of planning people's residences to create serendipity is an interesting one.

You describe that you like cafes.

The algorithm will try place a cafe that is between you and your friend's location so you can meet at that cafe.

    : Mindey
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So, how would it work? Like groupon, but .... "transferon"? Is it more for coworkers, or for friends? Say, I subscribe to this relocation service, tell about my work and home location, and select a few "dream locations to live" (call it a "base"), and invite my friends do it too, then, do we see options to move, or some kind of long term plan sketches for everyone?