

A transformative hairhoop as a toy that sparks creative energy


Things spark feelings. Assessories are like toys for adults. So I imagine a hair assessory that looks like a crown. This hairhoop as an object is a symbol of antenna that captures creative energy that lands from the Universe. It is designed to serve as a daily ritual object that helps to get into a flow state and anchor the feelings of inspiration, a-ha moments. The design of this hairhoop-crown resembles the multiple hands of an octopus, and builds up a metaphor of an octopus as a symbol of multitudes, a networked thinking (creativity), plurality of identities that creative lifestyle enables.


The material of this hairhoop is easy to bend. Alliuminum or other cheap metal, so that people can access it easily. The bending part is important - the hairhoop has to fit the owners headsize easily and transform when played with - its "octopus hands" work like a toy and are easy to twist depending on mood and intention.


Octahoop are hand-made to express the value of human time. Local makers freely access the knowledge of how to make an Octahoop through a website. Makers host a community meetups worldwide where newbie Octahoopers learn a craft of Octahooping. In the process of these meetups, learners learn chemistry and about materials, which connect newborn creators with the Earth, its elements and lay the basis for their path towards regenerative creativity.

Social change

From outside attention to inward reflection: Octahoop is worn on your own, when creating and not in public or socially.


This idea came to my mind when observing how different clothes and assessories exist for different occasions and rituals, for example for cooking time there's an apron, for rainy time there's a raincoat, for weddings and funerals there are special clothes too. But what about special assessories for creativity time?


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The Octopus also symbolises a mycelium network for me. When walking, the human body touches the earth (the network): the interaction between two systems. The interaction always sparks something.

The octopus symbolizes a neuron for me.

Aštunkojis man simbolizuoja neuroną.

    : Ruta
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I must also add that I think and develop ideas symbiotically. Often I don’t find the answers myself, but I ask questions or connect particles shared by other people. So even in this idea, it is always interesting to modify the idea with other people's ideas and see where co-creation will take us.

Taip pat turiu pridėti, jog mąstau ir vystau idėjas simbiotiškai. Dažnai nepati atrandu atsakymus, bet keliu klausimus ar jungiu daleles, pasidalintas kitų žmonių. Taigi ir šioje idėjoje visada įdomu idėją modifikuoti su kitų žmonių idėjomis ir pažiūrėti kur bendra-kūryba mus nuves.

    : Inyuki
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[Inyuki], this bow is primarily a toy, and the function of the toys is to activate the imagination while playing with them.

As for the ritual, so the ritual is an essential part of this idea. This bow acts as a novelty in the rituals that most often take place in a platoon rather than in solitude as in this case. And like jewelry, this bow is worn in solitude, not with those around you. Rituals are also traditionally used to worship or transform a person from one stage of life to another. However, I am not sure whether rituals are used to make sense of a creative life. And the trick is for that.

The roots of octal symbolism lie in the Philosophy of Living Systems, which says that man is a child of the universe capable of creating with the same energy as the universe. And creative thinking and reflection is the key to such a meaningful creative process. The octopus is chosen here not by chance, it is a symbol of non-linear thinking, flexibility, connection through fractals, the essence of which is the Living Systems - and human creative thinking, man himself, planet Earth and the Universe are also the same living systems working together through the same principles. .

In this case, the symbol is not left to be a symbol, but is made meaningful through a useful object - a hair bow - and thus becomes a guide to a creative journey.

As for the function, I’ve noticed [Mindey’s] question about the function of this bow to capture energy. My answer to kolkas is I don't know. When I find out I will definitely share here as well.

I am adding a story from my grandmother that will arouse my curiosity and possibly help me find answers. She had an energy friend, and he had a tool called a "virgule" with which he worked energy work - the virgule captured energy fields in the environment and moved. I wonder how it went. Maybe it was the metal’s interaction with the environment? I think about it and how this thought relates to Enchantment. I think I can relate because in general I consider creation to be a spiritual practice that brings inner peace. I think the answer to the feature may someday come up too.

[Inyuki], šis lankelis yra visų pirma žaislas, o žaislų funkcija yra suaktyvinti vaizduotę su jais žaidžiant.

Dėl ritualo, taip ritualas yra esminė šios idėjos dalis. Šis lankelis veikia kaip naujovė ritualuose, kurie dažniausi vyksta būryje, o ne vienumoje kaip šiuo atveju. Ir kaip papuošalas, šis lankelis yra dėvimas vienumoje, o ne su aplinkiniais. Taip pat ritualai tradiciškai yra naudojami garbinimui ar žmogaus transformacijai iš vieno gyvenimo etapo į kitą. Tačiau nesu tikra ar ritualai yra naudojami kūrybiškam gyvenimui įprasminti. O Įgaudis tam ir skirtas.

Aštuonkojo simbolizmo šaknys yra Gyvųjų Sistemų filosofijoje, kuri sako, jog žmogus yra visatos vaikas, gebantis kurti su tokia pat energija, kaip kuria visata. O kūrybinis mąstymas ir refleksija ir yra raktas į tokį prasmingą kūrybinį procesą. Aštuonkojis čia pasirinktas neatsitiktinai, tai yra nelinijinio mąstymo, lankstumo, susisiejimo per fraktalus simbolis, kurio esmė - Gyvosios Sistemos - o žmogaus kūrybinis mąstymas, pats žmogus, planeta Žemė ir Visata taip pat ir yra tokios pačios gyvosios sistemos, bendrai veikiančios per tuos pačius principus.

Šiuo atveju simbolis nėra paliekamas būti simboliu, bet yra įprasminamas per naudingą daiktą - plaukų lankelį - ir tuo būdu tampa kūrybingo kelionės kelrodžiu.

O dėl funkcijos, esu pastebėjusi [Mindey] klausimą apie šio lankelio funkciją gaudyti energiją. Mano atsakymas kolkas yra nežinau. Kai sužinosiu būtinai pasidalinsiu ir čia.

Pridedu istoriją iš savo močiutės, kuri žadina mano smalsumą ir galbūt padės rasti atsakymus. Ji turėjo draugą energetiką, o jis turėjo tokį įrankį, vadinamą "virgule", su kuria jis dirbo energetinį darbą - virgulė pagaudavo energetinius laukus aplinkoje ir judėdavo. Mane domina, kaip tai vyko. Galbūt tai buvo metalo sąveika su aplinka? Galvoju apie tai ir kaip ši mintis siejasi su Įgaudžiu. Manau, kad gali sietis, nes apskritai aš laikau kūrybą dvasine praktika, kuri neša vidinę ramybę. Manau, kad atsakymas dėl funkcijos gali kažkada atsirasti irgi.

    : Inyuki
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// an everyday ritual object that helps to create a creative mood and enter a state of creative flow //

The idea does not describe how this "trick" would reach the "state of creative flow" mentioned - it follows from the description that ritual and "eighth symbolism" alone should somehow help to achieve this state, but symbolism is very subjective and depends on the imagination of the individual user, therefore, it does not solve the problem of "how to reach the flow state" in general, and would potentially solve the problem perhaps only for those people for whom that symbolism is special.

In general, recalls the tail of Twi'lek from StarWars.

For better results, you should think about and discover how that accessory would work before you write - because it's cheap to say that it will somehow create a "creative flow state" on your head - it should be explained how it would do without the user's self-esteem. because sufficient self-esteem can create a wide variety of states, and then it is difficult to say whether that state is due to an accessory or simply to self-esteem.

// kasdienis ritualinis objektas, padedantis susikurti kūrybinę nuotaiką ir patekti į kūrybinio srauto būseną (angl. "flow state") //

Idėja neaprašo, kaip gi šis "įgaudis" pasiektų minimą "kūrybinio srauto būseną" -- iš aprašymo išplaukia, kad vien ritualas ir "aštunkojo simbolizmas" turėtų kažkaip padėti pasiekti šią būseną, tačiau simbolizmas yra labai subjektyvus, ir priklauso nuo konkretaus vartotojo vaizduotės, todėl nesprendžia problemos "kaip pasiekti flow state" bendrai, ir potencialiai spręstų problemą galbūt tik tiem žmonėm, kuriem tas simbolizmas yra ypatingas.

Apskritai, primena Twi’lek'ų uodegas iš StarWars.

Norint geresnių rezultatų, reikėtų prieš rašant pamąstyti ir atrasti, kaip tas aksesuaras veiktų, - nes bepigu sakyti, kad jis kažkaip vat aštunkojis ant galvos kažkaip sukurs "kūrybinio srauto būseną", - reikėtų paaiškinti, kaip gi jis tą padarytų be vartotojo savitaigos -- nes pakankama savitaiga gali sukurti įvairiausias būsenas, ir tada sunku pasakyti, ar ta būsena atsirado dėl aksesuaro ar tiesiog dėl savitaigos.

Would this bow catch radio waves?

Ar šis lankelis gaudytų radijo bangas?

How beyond symbolism could this hairhoop capture creative energy that lands from the Universe?

Well, I want to discover that too :) First thoughts that came to mind where: tentacles would be made from a metal that reacts to the energetic fields in the environment and it twists/moves based on energy in the air. To be continued...

// I'm figuring it would have to flicker and morph to convey that [octopus symbol]. Would it work as a communication tool...

Hmm, as a "communication tool with self" rather than with others wearing it. That's the point of Octahoop: getting into a creative flow from nothing just interaction with the self (as a living system: the mind and the body) and the natural environment, through observation and play.

So I went further to imagine how could Octahoop help communicate with the self?

First, I imagine wearing Octahoop outside on the move. And so each tentacle would be like a holder of observer's tools: a mini binocular, a tiny microscope, a tube with paper and a pen, a mini torch - all I need to interact with the environment. Here, adding a function to transform this hairhoop into a necklace would be useful: carrying tools for observation under the neck where hands can faster take out a tool out of a tentacle. (Also, if I happen to go to the city for exploration, I'd love to wear it as a necklace too, so that it doesn't bring attention, but still have my creative anchor and observer's toolkit with me).

Lastly, it would be useful to include a wearable tech function here measuring brainwaves and states of relaxation/stress that can then be correlated with creative flow and a pattern of a creative chaos. I'd like to measure steps (to build up on a body intelligence idea) and location too, to see in which places in the forest I captured those ideas landing from the Universe :) So yeah, an app for self use would be a cool addition.

So overall an Octahoop could extend to work like a complete and useful observer's toolkit as well as a symbolic creativity anchor.

I'm really having fun imaging this observer's friend!! LOL :)

So, like a cat's ears, but octopus tentacles?

// "captures creative energy that lands from the Universe"

I fail to capture how it does it. :)

// builds up a metaphor of an octopus as a symbol of multitudes, a networked thinking (creativity), plurality of identities that creative lifestyle enables.

I'm figuring it would have to flicker and morph to convey that. Would it work as a communication tool that transfers the brainwaves between individuals wearing it?