For buying HOUR.
19,225 2:02 | ➔ | 0.10000000000000007 ħ |
19,225 2:02 | 🡰 | -0.1 ħ |
19,226 2:02 | 0.1 ħ | ➔ | #t-130001 | (+0.1 ḥ ⇌ Mindey) |
For buying HOUR.
The idea is that each thread has a ringbuffer, when a socket is accepted, a message is put on the ringbuffer and the thread begins listening to that user.
All the other threads are notified of all the users so they can also echo data to them.
This is efficient as a thread can serve thousands-millions of connections and there are multiple threads.
One problem, which is a generic problem for multithreading is servicing one of multiple kinds of events from one thread. I rely on the fact I am polling a ringbuffer and epoll.
My vagrant setup uses persistent disks and uses ansible to deploy the cronjob and sync script. It is configured by YAML file. I've also installed psycopg2 and I found documentation on how to retrieve the tables in a database in Postgres. It's just a matter of writing the sync algorithm now.
My problem is detecting which side is the winning copy.
When one side changes the data there shall be a different hash and the changed rows are detected. This part I understand.
The problem is detecting which side is the latest change and which side should win. I might need to introduce a version column.
If I had a last updated timestamp field I could use that. Or a version column but I am expressly trying to avoid introducing new columns to the schema. It means it's a lot harder.
Now, it the profiles on domains with default language, appear with questions and content only in the currently selected language (or all, if "Panlingual" is switched on), except for the domains that have no default language.
The below is a description, of how does the registering and contacting a user works. Also, how some of the content from conversations with users can be made a part of public or community profile.
Right now, it is more convenient to give someone a link to one's Infinity profile, and expect them to have comfort to review one's ideas and projects, and start interacting.
⬜️ need to map a JSON document to numbers so "document id 0 hobbies[0].name=sam" becomes 0@0.1=sam" this allows for efficient retrievals by scanning a range of keys between numbers. ⬜️need to write code to turn numbers back into field names ⬜️need to integrate keyspace optimiser, as we reorder numbers for efficiency of joins across lists for example document 0 = {"hobbies":{("name": "God"),{"name": "databases"), {"name": "computers")}) hobbies might be 0, name might be 1 and we have 3 list items 0, 1, 2 we want all list indexes of the same kind to be adjacent in the sort iterator, so we flip them to the end so 0@0[1]="God" becomes 0@1.0, 0@1.1 0@1.2 ⬜️ need to create keyvalues for what is used for SQL joins ⬜️ need to create a document which defines the joins that people expect to do on a JSON document
I have 3 machines each with 1 drive that provides storage The drive is exposed as one large drive with storage from all the machines
I haven't uploaded the keys, but I might. They're just test keys.
I am working on using the virtualbox+vagrant persistent volumes. This means I can have a storage disk associated with each VM.
I spent a few hours on this.
If this was applied to all looping of programs, we could have even more efficient programs.
Rewrite Python code in Java so true multithreading can be used Implement loop runner threads that repeatedly try execute Nth product that matches that thread number
A. Choose a suitable system for INVENTORY management.
I need LISTS of:
1- Components
2- Materials
3- Products
4- Packaging materials
5- Packaging solutions
6- ATO-components (Assemble-to-order)
7- Production info file
8- Raw MAterials resources (nu)
9- Empty spots of land dumps (nu)
10- Drivers of trucks that are independent (nu)
B. Define ALL my LISTS:
Distribution centers and supermarkets
2 hours I am fairly happy with what I created. I think the API could be better. Or the implementation of waiting for results could be better. The calculation to see if there are any new results is expensive due to nested loops. I think this could be done better. Ideally nested loops should only take a few divmod instructions and additions. Otherwise they shall dominate performance used.
2-4 hours I cannot remember when I began
I get duplicate entries.
The parent loop looks this:
for letter in letters: for number in numbers: for symbol in symbols:
Then I try extend it with a new concurrent loop inside the innerloop.
But each iteration would look the same! It's not equivalent to this:
for letter in letters: for number in numbers: for symbol in symbols: for nested in codes: for emoji in nested: print(letter + number + symbol + nested + emoji)
I need some way of extending the loop through an arbitrary number of loops, like a tree of loops.