A dive into reality, to implement distributed nets :
Graph theory's tree structures provide implemented solutions for self-governing DAOs, bridging from mathematical principles to physical reality and back to practical social organization, enabling decentralized communities to evolve naturally while maintaining coherent structure.
AI as Quantum Gravity Machine, Implementation of Distributed AI Network-spicetime :
we develop a DiAI network called spicetime, a distributed framework for self governance and economic sustainability, rooted in ethics, community oriented, culture agnostic, domain driven
City Skates Standard :
Swappable Body Vehicles standard for car bodies swappable in minutes, for modern city life, and private car body ownership.
Idea Shiritori :
A group activity for parties: an invention game around problems.
Benefitting everybody as much as possible : How can we benefit everybody as much as possible? Shouldn't our aim in society to benefit everybody?
Partial Space Elevator :
Don't tether the Earth-facing end of space elevator: let it hang in the atmosphere, and arrive to it with less fuel.
Dimensions of Happiness :
Define abstract dimensions, that correlate best with people's happiness, and model people's movement in that space, to intentionally achieve social bliss.
Information Rocket :
Think of the information content as an object in orbit, which is function of mutation rate ("entropy field"), and replication rates ("extropy field"), and be inspired to create an information rocket.
Non exhausting labour :
The funny thing about workers is that they pay their own bills AND the bills of the employer (assuming a company is cash flow positive), whereas the employer only puts up an initial set of funding, which gets expired, and they rely on workers for income, so why do capital owners get paid again and again for the same funding but workers don't?
ARC Regenerative Communities :
Restoration of right relationship between one another and the living earth; ultimately the abolition of the concept of property and extractive capitalism.
Personalized Diet : How to discover what foods are good for each individual?
HiveCell :
Universal Beehive Cell-like Capsule-Hotel-like Car Connectable into Buildings and Spaces
Order-to-Make E-commerce :
An online shop selling licenses to CAD drawings along with manufacturing services from local manufacturing shops.
Hivica :
Planetary habitation vehicle (PHV). To help people live directly on planets, free from housing.
Linear Fuel Lines Launch System :
Just like gravity assist, but "fuel-assist" - fuel positioned in the rocket path to be ingested and used.
URL powered computer :
Installing software is so 1990s-2000s. Let's configure and install software by giving URLs or taking them away. Everything is a URL
Structured Internet Client :
Like browser, but structured, based on high level protocols?
Cataloguing Mathematical Models : How would we go about creating a referencible repository of mathematical models?
The Map of Mathematical Models :
A referencible repository of mathematical models.
Multithreaded programming language, compiler and interpreter :
Build an interpreter, build a compiler that targets the interpreter
Dog Sniff Schools :
Billions of dogs - unused resource -- Massively teach dogs to sniff out diseases, and substances, and improve public health :)
Autodefibribed :
Automated defibrilator as an addon to bed.
Simple Brainwave Modulation Prototype App :
Produce a draft phone app that enables users to find their signature brainwave sounds
Imaginary auction shop :
Why not a shop with imaginary products and services in it? And you bid the price that you want to pay for that product, you also commit to long term spending on the product, you actually stake money, so if the product is created, you are obligated to pay for it
Investomart :
A shop, that lets you overpay for goods you like, to invest the overpay into the companies that made them.
Write to Galaxies :
Treat galaxies like CD drives to send directional laser updates of our civilization, and survive in the minds of the distant future civilizations.
Movable Frame Tetris :
Instead of moving the falling brick, move the entire tetris frame in the rain of tetris parts; make the frame walls semi-permeable sometimes, and emulate life form eating bricks, and medical interventions to alleviate clogging.
Lungs could pump blood :
With some exercising, and exterior design, lung muscles could pump blood, serving as artificial heart
Multi-Business Startup :
A startup, where each funding round is like a logical different startup, but uses the key component created in the previous funding round, as an enabler for the next round, often jumping to another industry in each round.
Extreme Health : Why should health improvement ever stop?
Benefit inbox :
A website that lists benefits or advantages, that you can subscribe to with one click
Life-Saving Oximeter Handbands :
Just like smoke alarms, but for human bodies.
Diagnostic Mosquitoes as Body Boring Machines :
Evolve mosquitoes with long proboscises, then photolitographically print a microcircuit to interface with their brain, connect and train a neural net to control it.
Shapeflow :
Generalization of Tetris: A strategic game with a variety of morphing shapes flowing through topological holes (like digestive tract) with increasing variety and speed, and complementaries (like matching Tetris bricks) that interact to break down into smaller ones, and a global goal to sustain their flow from clogging the system.
Postgres synchronization solution :
I want to take one set of data and synchronize it with another set where there could be changed to columns, new rows and deleted rows
Document database backed by keyvalue storage :
Implement a documentDB backed by keyvalue storage with efficient querying
Parallel multithreaded actors without locks :
Implement efficient scalable multiple thread communication
Using the CPU efficiently :
This idea is ideas on how to use the CPU efficiently, to use CPU to solve problems and use the resource what it is capable of
Efficient multithreaded server :
Use epoll and pthread to create a multithreaded multiplexed connection server
Money valuation as a continuous wave function like the stock market :
Imagine being capable of affording something really expensive one minute but not the next? This is how dynamic production could be
Skill and Command allocation system :
A list of people, their skill profiles and then a button to allocate and offer of work to them, based on their skills. Another section of the app, which is a list of problems, and a report on the problem from many people's perspective's such as Google Doc.
Distributed command and coordination : How does a loosely organised group of people get work done?
Minimum flow rate minimum pay :
The problem with minimum pay is the Iron Law of Wages is that everything leads to 0 over time. Imagine a flexible pricing system where the pricing is set to set a minimum break even for the supplier
Principle of Balancing Transparency with Capability :
Parametrize the balance between privacy and transparency, with the level of capability.
Dressing up future humans : How might we classify clothing elements and imagine new ones?
Transform clothes, transform feelings
Evolving communication
o2oo Feature Requests : What functionality do we want at online makerspace?
Base Administration
Capped debt :
The problem with debt is if something fails, the debt provided an unlimited risk, we want failure to have a minimum cost.
Funding-Work-Revenue cross dependency : To get something created and sustainable you need money and customers, to get customers you need something created. To get something created you need worker. To get funding you need something you're going to create. It's such a vicious cycle that has no obvious opening. If people could get together to create a product, they could all profit in excess of a salary.