Just accidentally, added the "Recent" category at the top left, which links to the /topics view, where combined sequence of topics (intents, methods, projects).
A call on Zoom and Miro with Colm and Amy about creating a virtual incubator where people create a passion project with reflective exercises and how to test this idea in a real world
I created a simplified UI sketch with steps outlined
A virtual space for collaboration
Užregistravau LinkedIn paskyrą kaip paslaugų kompanija tam, kad Lietuvos profesionalais galėtų sekti mūsų naujienas
Sukūriau el. paštą labas@burbulo.lt bei burbulo.lt@gmail.com ir skambučių registravimo prižofilį Calendly (gmail profilis reikalingas, kad skambučiai automatiškai išsisaugotų kalendoriuje)
Sukūriau svetainę WordPress platformoje su juoda/neonine spalvų palete, kuri asocijuojasi su gilumo bei žaismingumo mišiniu (o kūryba tokia ir yra), taip pat muilo burbulų foto ir video, kuris veikia background'e ir sukuria magiško pasaulio iliuziją. Įdėjau kelias paslaugas, kaip pavyzdžius pradžiai.
Sukūriau virtualią erdvę projekto vystumui Mural platformoje, su misija, vizija, vertybėmis, paslaugomis bei pavadinimo reikšmėmis. Pakviečiau bendradarbį. Pratestavau du pavadinimus (burbul.io ir burbulo.lt) ir užregistravau "burbulo.lt" domeną.
Created a shared Miro board for virtual collaboration with 3 frames "Research", "Prototyping", "Synthesis" - anyone with a link can submit their inspirations, prototypes or insights in there
With Malu when chatting over voice and text we came up with experiment idea - to visually capture Loving Energy moments, to use a collective Instagram account for that. Also created our account!
I've chosen to use special symbols to allow people to use categories (intents, interests, puzzles) as a classifier for content and products, and reserved urls for them:
- communities: urls starting with
- markets: urls starting with
- shops: urls starting with
Each project can now choose a unique url name as its shop, and each category ("intent") can serve as a community and a market with a unique name:
- What is a community, if not people bound by shared interests?
- What is a market if not buy/sell orders bound by shared category (orderbook)?
- What is a shop, if not part of market controlled by a company or project?
With this kind of realization, the database model stayed almost unchanged, with just a couple of fields added to category and project models, and used to filter the major content types.
Setup a miro board with structure and added colour & style inspirations.
How to get goal-aligned interest groups of visionaries, regulators, inventors, doers+financiers to come to "Zero to Infinity" (0oo.li) from diverse world's economic blocs to form a vibrant community that helps transparently decide the destiny of world's capital flows to realize our mission, helping create "the world where everything could exist"?
How to approach investment relationships into our project and community, so that we have balance between investors from different global interest groups, so that we are not dis-proportionally involved with any single economic bloc or interest group, or intelligence alliance, and function more like a mediator?
Port Metaform to Typescript, because it will be needed to render widgets in Treenity.
Recreated visuals to suit a dance collaboration - slides would be played as a video in the Zoom background when a dancer replicates a drop's journey through a body movement
I made a video showcasing how a poem reflects a pattern of a wave.
Rewrote the end (Draft 11) with a positive note of symbiosis ("we are water" metaphor), instead of judging humans for water pollution (Drafts 8 and 9).
I edited the final slides, so that when played as a video, they give an impression of water drop going down and back up through the screen.
Playing with new fonts and more slides for updated poem