Scaling trust : There's spam, scams, lying, malware and thieving on the internet and in the world for material gain. How do we scale security and trust?
Coffee shop queue :
A large room arranged with efficiently arranged chairs and tables, to be used as a queue, people are called out in turn
Creating a scalable storage server :
I'm going to set up Ceph on Vagrant multimachine to see if I can create a growable storage cluster
Invention code : Imagine there's a list of attributes that you can design something to have and there's a list of implementations to those attributes. This looks like a nested list of numbers [[1], [3,2, [0, 2, 3], 3, 2]]] where each placement corresponds to a known property of that invention.
Synchronize Postgresql databases : Imagine issuing a COPY TO query for every table in a database and then syncing the resulting CSV with other nodes. We can add a version column to every table so we avoid syncing unnecessarily. Conflict detection could be implemented by showing multiple copied and marking one as active.
Nested loops with index locality :
Can we loop and avoid cache misses for computer performance?
Unlimited upside debt and debt tax autopayment : The risk of debt is that someone can default on their debt, but that person shall eventually earn money, we can guarantee repayment of debt by taxing that person after essential expenses and repaying the debt without the debt growing unsustainably
Human block hotel : There is an affordable housing shortage. Imagine a crane and a building that is filled with capsules for human sleeping, when you want to go to sleep, you get into an empty capsule and the door closes and then you are picked up by the crane and put onto a pile of capsules. When you want to get out, you press a button and the crane moves boxes around to get you out. People at the bottom wait longer to get out but they do get out eventually. There would be emergency failsafes too, in case you get stuck.
Guaranteed return :
From an investors perspective, if someone wants to do something and they think it shall create lots of money, I kind of want to give them money in return for a guaranteed return of whatever they earn. We need some form of economic obligation to return this return. The current mechanism is debt, but this doesn't really work in both parties' interests due to the punitive effects of debt
How to get people to do things for you - worker escrow : I think o2oo.io should have a jobs section with numerical amounts of money attached to them. I can pay people to work on something for me.
Virtual GoodReward thank tokens/shares :
Issue tokens to people when they do something good for you, can be redeemed for favours later
Front offloading risk strategies : Everything entails risk of failure, we can manage risk of failure by front loading terms so that losses from failure is limited, insurance is an example, it protects against adverse effects, there are funding strategies that offload risk from the attempt, such as Pipe which exchanges subscribers for capital
Active investment gives poor returns : Actively managed investments rarely return more than the whole market. It's almost as if intelligence doesn't help Active investment is the act of researching companies and initiatives and deciding what to invest in. Unfortunately the returns from this activity are less than investing in index funds. Index funds represent a bit of everything or the whole market. Ironically an index is actively decided upon, the criteria to be included in the index is a decision. Some companies enter or leave an index based on revenue or other criteria.
The Predicament of Having Nothing or society is terrible : To survive, you need money, to get money you need to provide services to others or provide value, to provide value you need money, to get a job you need to provide value, nobody pays you before you work a month, for things to be easier for you, someone else needs to do work on your behalf, every man carries his own burden, nobody is willing to extend a debt to someone else unless they're rewarded for it, Life is difficult if you have nothing.
The irreversibility of commitment :
If you decide to do something, you need to exist with the fact you did it. You cannot get egg from a baked cake. In other words, when you get a job or start a business you are committed to it. I want to remove this feeling that I cannot relax due to commitments..
Eventual consistency strategies : Eventual consistency is database state that eventually looks the same everywhere. It assumes a multiple replica database. Each replica is available during a partition. So updates can occur to the same data. You need some way of resynchronizing changed that interfere with eachother
A bug: youtube player MUTE/UNMUTE order automatically when an AD streams suddenly to avoid hearing it! :
A feature to turn on when you listen to a relaxing track that mutes adss
Trillions rows multiplied by a trillion rows :
How to write efficient code to multiply two lists of trillion numbers
Metaphorical programming : I feel that abstractions in programming are not powerful enough. What we really want to program with is metaphors. So I imagine complicated systems visualised a network of pipes like a circuit board. And I can introduce the metaphor of cars driving around a network. A loop is a depot that produces cars around a circuit. You can have visibility and observability of a system by rendering dataflow visually.
XMaze :
Computer game for students: theory on the walls, problem solutions unlock the doors.
Conway's law : The structure of software resembles the communication between organisations or individuals. There is a homomorphism of software component to component.
Writing flexible reusable software : Writing software that does a thing is fairly straightforward. Writing software that can adapt to change is difficult. It's challenging to write software that can be easily customised. It's a completely different approach to build adaptable software
Treenity :
To organize world of data types, and lowcoding
Schedulable lightweight virtual processes and concurrent loops :
An approach to building concurrent software
Automated API traversal :
Armed with a thesaurus and an almanac of system functionality we can write robots that program themselves
Maximising use of the CPU : Imagine a 2 dimensional diagram where each Y is a separate thread and X is time. You want work to fill the 2 dimensional diagram. Unfortunately most people's for loops look like a sequential row on a table, rather than a column. You want rows and columns to be filled. can we write an algorithm that fills the rows and columns with work and coordinates communication automatically?
Errors have resumable error codes :
I was told how to get the Nth product on Stackoverflow, he also told me how to get the product number from a product! Which you must understand how useful that is. Error messages can be completely retried and resumed with this information. I only need to log or print out a special error code and the user can retry from where they left off!
Computer errors : What should we do of computer errors?
Wiki of App Models :
Wiki of apps in general (web or stand-alone), with both public and private models published.
Responsively fast software : Computers shouldn't lag, ever. I am interested in ideas how to speed up the perceived performance of computers.
Recursive coordination portfolio :
Portfolios are really effective at managing bets and risk. You own a little bit of everything to return as much as you can. What if we could manage our coordinations with others as a portfolio. People could decide to change their behaviour to benefit someone else. Such as writing documentation how some of their code works. Or adding an API
Coordination problem : How to solve problems as groups of people
Money to scalability :
How much compute, storage and network does $5 get you, how about $15, or $100 or $1000 or $100,000
Money as a function : I want to write an algorithm that takes a numerical amount and turns it into a set of purchases that optimise a function of some property. In effect you can say how much you want to spend and you get a set of fulfilments from that.
Decentralised automated organisations : How do we create a decentralised automated organisation
Black Mirror :
Unlocking openness through a tiny mirror painted in black
Business welfare :
Most companies such as restaurants fail. I propose we cause businesses to be radically simpler by having common infrastructure for business operations so it's not all private. Everyone benefits when businesses provide services to people.
Grounded Stream . com :
Inter-Ontological Concepts for Inter-App Synchronization : How to avoid reinventing app models and ontology concepts, and reuse existing work on them across software ecosystems and ontologies?
Choosing Nootropics : How to optimize choice of smart drugs, individually?
Object removal :
Can we remove subobjects an replace them with direct memory access mappings?
Web-based People's Self-Organization Tool :
A service or tool to form interest groups by voting on features of ideas as part of reading.
Internet Browser :
All ports, all protocols Internet browser. Open ports and support protocols to direct browsing of databases, and other internet resources, make web browsers support accessing them directly and nicely.
Invariant optimisation code movement :
Imagine I have a nested loop and I do lots of work in this nested loop. Wouldn't it be more efficient to do some of this work incrementally such as when objects are created?
Optimising software : I am interested in ideas for optimising software
Dream browser : What should a browser provide? What APIs should be provided?
Browser monoculture : Google and Apple and Firefox effectively owns the browser market, there are very few competitor browsers with their own engines.
Monoculture : For some things such as crops and software there is only under the authority of one entity
Mod-Laws of Physics :
Try to change the laws of physics, and verify if we are at base reality or not.
Motor standardization : How to properly define a small gradient of motor types to power everything?