+1| Attention agents : One company knows every product of every other company and uses algorithms and reasoning and quizzes to decide who is suitable for which product.
+4| Programmatic Access and Control : How to build generic programmatic access solution to help people scale thinking and doing?
+1| Window/tab merge : Why do you have multiple tabs open? The answer is that you're cross referencing in your head. Why not let the computer do it?
0| People decide how to do their work : Work is often boring and people secretly believe it doesn't need to be done as David Graeber found out. This puzzle is to find out how to cause work to be free and independent of outside requirements so people are empowered.
0| Search for Non-Ribonucleic Life (NRL) : Search for Non-Ribonucleic Life, as a complement to SETI.
0| Mutually-Repulsing Rockets : Make objects push against each other to opposite directions, and avoid the tyranny of the rocket equation.
0| Community personality types : I invite you to take a personality quiz and post your responses here so we can match together people who would work well together
+1| People twist : People in different companies across organisations are running according to some plan or set of instructions - how do we change behaviours across organisations and groups to achieve common goals
+1| Good social credit system : Define good behaviour, account for good behaviour, people set minimum good behaviour for entry to buildings and things
+1| Rewarding and tracking good : Why is the only unit of measurement money? Why are we not measuring love or good done?
-25.7| MetaDrive : MetaDrive is an attempt to design a single interface to all world's resources via a metastandard.
+2■ Speculation, Friction, and Fire : A real-time storytelling game about using speculation and friction to question the design and use of AI
0| Reincarnation of Fashion Waste: Wearable Bacterial Art : Why not transform second-hand clothes into wearable art which carry colonies of bacterias?
+1■ Dolphin Chatroom Buoy : Create a low bandwidth distant communications channel for groups of dolphins with exchanged member, and crack dolphin language much faster!
+1| Seascrapers : Horizontal Skyscrapers on Sea: Living on the seas isn't as hard as we think. Modify cruize ships a bit, to look architecturally creative like modern buildings, and ship them to mass-orders by future inhabitants on-line.
0| Astelliard : Billiard with asteroids: apply trajectory intelligence and domino effect to move large asteroids through a sequence of small ones.
+2| Open Distributed Scientific Annotations Cloud : Each reader of scientific paper can publish their annotations to a distributed public annotations cloud, others can load as they read, and discuss.
+1| Mine life for molecules to treat bacteria : Let bacteria try to infect various plants and animals, see which adapt, and why (what proteins or molecules do they evolve), and apply it to developing new treatments.
+1| Bio-evolutionary Hypothesis for Absence of Green or Purple Stars : Take the evolutionary approach, and explain it by narrow spectra of survival-critical (evolutionarilyy rewarding) plants spectra due to narrow-spectrum chlorophyll and retinal.
0| Biopoints of Failure : Just like JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) teams enumerated all possible signle-points-of-failure to compute spacecraft risk, enumerate all human organism (or bio-organism) points of failure, and strategize to reduce its failure risk.
+1■ Electrochemical Screen : Use use electric and photonic patterning to emulate material surface properties.
+1| Periodic Table IQ Score : Define ratio: (technological capabilities) / (highest chemical element number required), to mean a kind of "IQ" score for technological civilizations.
+1| Is It Me Test : A way to determine if a copy of a mind is test-indistinguishible from the actual mind copied.
+1| Discovery Methods for Living Systems : What new methods would help explore consciousness of other beings?
-1| Network Resource Vocabulary Development Group : The sole purpose is to introduce, evolve and maintain data alignment protocol.
-1| Dancing Lines Speaking : Create an illustrated book about the legacy of the choreographer Lisa Naugle
+1■ Dolphin voice commands controlled equipment : Use the mature voice commands recognition technology in combination with robotics, to see what would dolphins create, if they had the ability to use hands and more.
+3■ Hands-Free Binoculars Mount to Back : Mega-Eyeglass frame-like mount for binoculars extending to the back to the belt, or to a counterweight backpack to free hands, and control viewing direction with movement of body.
Mechai : Bringing the perfect world to Earth through perception, entertainment, and interaction.
+1| Integrating education and industry : Education and job hiring should be integrated. We have a complicated endeavour - rocket science, food and industrial logistics, browser engines, search engines - people should be funelled into positions from school. No job interviews
+5.3| "Mindey - 0oo.li" (Financial) : To be one of the issuers of community currency (HOUR) as credit.
0| Increasing the amount of love in the universe : I believe love and language (the basis of reality) are cornerstones of existence. Increasing love in the universe makes the universe grow.
2 dweeks 5 days ago @ AI as Quantum Gravity Machine, Implementation of Distributed AI Network-spicetime
2 dweeks 6 days ago @ AI as Quantum Gravity Machine, Implementation of Distributed AI Network-spicetime
46 dweeks 7 dhours ago @ Benefitting everybody as much as possible
46 dweeks 6 days ago @ Partial Space Elevator
68 dweeks 8 days ago @ Benefitting everybody as much as possible
68 dweeks 9 days ago @ Personalized Diet
72 dweeks 7 days ago @ HiveCell
73 dweeks 8 dhours ago @ Hivica
74 dweeks 8 dhours ago @ HiveCell
76 dweeks 1 days ago @ URL powered computer
76 dweeks 1 days ago @ URL powered computer
79 dweeks 7 days ago @ Ocean Roads