
ago @ Reducing Risk from Gamma Ray Bursts

Very low probability, but still, possible to do something about it. So, -- for x-riskers.



ago @ Metaformat

Finally, the markdown is fixed, and you can take a look better, hopefully, more understandable. The concept of metaformat is actually very deep. I had written a gitbook on it here. More generall, what needs to be done, is theoretically extract the equivalence classes for polycontext metasymbols. Practically, many drivers need to be written and supported for the systems that we want to make interoperative.

In short term, work that needs to be done includes: recognition of field names and the formats of data types and measure units, from larger set of data annotations created for datasets using metaformat. Call it 'autoformat': -see a dataset -> automatically generate metaformat description- :)



ago @ Clipass

@Mindey Good. It reminds me of issue tracking, release notes, and user forum. Flattening conversations over a project into 2 straight timelines of comments and logs could be a little plain, while Jira looks overcomplicated.



ago @ Clipass

[Neruthes], understood. Well, take a look around here. One of the main purposes of this place is to share progress about development, so link tasks results, or summaries. Btw., absence of notifications is a feature here. However, you can always find posts with latest activity by visiting main page. Will work on the search feature in a near future.



ago @ VSCodebook

I have actually recently created this Issue on GitHub. Essentially, VSCode could replace Workflowy and Dynalist locally. Being well funded open source project, it's among the few alternatives I see.



ago @ Clipass

@Mindey Thank you. I am working on this project for upcoming features, and I look forward to improvements with software quality.



ago @ Clipass

Welcome to Homebase, Neruthes~ Are you currently working on this project, as well? Don't forget to come back to share some results, and we may want to incrementally support your work~ ^__^



ago @ Notty

Hey, welcome welcome, Neruthes~ 你真心打算做这个项目,现在在做吗? 如果是, 你也许可以开始分享一些做完的任务, :) 别人可能会希望帮助你~



ago @ Notty

This is a test comment.



ago @ An economic system that frees humanity from unnecessary suffering and meaningless work

In fact, all companies run their businesses as I/O processes, that are very visible in the current banking system. I think, the issue may lie very much in the accounting system, that humanity uses. Who defined and continues to define how we should account things, and how to redefine that -- maybe thinking of that may lead to some fruitful results? There's a lot of time that goes unaccounted, and a lot of work, that goes to companies, with monetary rewards, but without a fair share of the equity into those companies, equivalent and proportional to the work results. The results of the people's work are considered "commodity bought and owned", not something that remains in large part the employee's or contractor's ownership. What I mean is if the employer is paid for the work just to get by, then we only covered the costs of the time, which means, that the employee invested the money received as time, which means that in this case, the employee should own 50% of that result created. The system I explain actually in a video, but there is a demo spreadsheet.



ago @ ClipText

We could approach that, but do we have something that makes a half-baked idea description without a story plot into a story plot? Currently, it is other people that do it, by putting some thought into it, and creating fun story-lines from an abstract thought, not computers yet.



ago @ Universal Intelligence System

Well, I have a friend, he actually wrote here one of the goals ("categories"), namely this one, and he's working on hypergraphs, his database works like a generalized hypergraph. It's on He's shown me some pretty amazing demos, that remind yours. Overall, we seem to have quite similar interests it seems, just not yet very so mutually-coordinated.



ago @ Universal Intelligence System

I've found that N3 tuples work for any problem too!

You can use N3 tuples to describe many different facts ontologically and semantically.

I'm even writing a GUI framework using them.



ago @ "Insurance-based Global Governance"

I think encouraging people to run an Insurance app on their phones would be a good idea too. So people help insure against their contribution to climate change etc.

Could foster an age where people use an app to self-insure, p2p insure or insure through companies.



ago @ ClipText

Could use autosummarizers to decide what headlines to create in the generated video.



ago @ Optimizer for Our Dream

I think we have to reliably encode our desires into the system. Everyone must feed in their desires for this superoptimizer to work. It could also try optimize everyone identically.

I have an idea I call want marketplaces for the collection and aggregation of wants. There's a possibility of fusion there.



ago @ On-line courses based on basic-income

I like this idea. You could have arbitrary pairing of people trained in business administration, hospitality work together to be a coffee shop.



ago @ Meta standard for data reusability

[chronological], you might find this parent category interesting to take a look at.



ago @ Metaformat

// Living documents are the idea of intra document CMS that features the insertability of arbitrary data formats and provides integrations between inserted content blocks. It's a general purpose data structure editor. //

Very good concept. However, imagine now that there do exist other systems, outside your internal system, and you want to control them via your internal system. How can you do? The metaform approach results in creating something I call a metadrive (it's among projects under this idea, not in "published" state though). The concept is that if we have drivers for other systems, we could simply mount them to our system. Mount anything, -- e.g., linkedin, or youtube, or something more advanced, and let it become your internal data structure.

In practise, I think what's needed for this to happen, is something like Darklang, but better be open source. Check Darklang. P.S. I'll fix the markdown, very soon. :)



ago @ Low Tech Mode

Well, how many systems can we afford to have safely be turned off, and have the society still function? I think that's one of the questions we should ask, as humanity and peoples.



ago @ Metaformat

[chronological], first of all, big welcome to Homebase! Hope you find the place fun and entertaining. It's amazing to have you here! Let me check this out.



ago @ Network of Functions

I like this idea. Could be combined with business cloud. One of my ideas:



ago @ Low Tech Mode

I like this idea. Every system needs to work with pen and paper at some point.



ago @ Metaformat

I am working on a system I call living documents. There's a link to a screencast here:



ago @ Achieving Interstellar Flight

So, I wonder, could make some of those projects, like Breakthrough Starshot, have public ledger on Homebase, where the portfolio companies, that make components, would share their business ledgers here as projects, to involve public and kids? In fact, I envisioned importing or just connecting their banking and task management accounts for public to engage in their P&L.



ago @ Access To Know-How

Ah, true, but access to know-how may also have a dark side. Needs to be cautious.



ago @ Ensuring Safe Arrival of Technological Singularity

So, now, the Homebase is an attempt at that as well. We lack here markets, which is important part of the whole world's business. The markets part actually is in the making, pretty much by everyone in every different niches, though I have some ideas for that, too, which I'll describe a bit later.



ago @ Make Accounting Systems Fair

Probably the single reason for wealth inequality, is how we account.



ago @ Empowering Humans to Think and Decide

[marked-as-important], could this be a tag?



ago @ Monitoring Human Bodies for Health

Like, even people who die of cancer, are likely dying just because of loacal O2 levels dropping, most of the time.



ago @ 0 > oo

And here are the tasks planned out for tomorrow, at least from my side :) I feel like I need friends who would like to become administrators.



ago @ 0 > oo

Among the todo items, is improving the rendering of the Markdown. Currently line breaking doesn't work as expected, sorry for that. Will fix it. Maybe let me write here Or, better use Dynalist? Actually look at the "Bug report" on the left.



ago @ Financial Think-Tank ("Fintank")

Exactly, what we're trying to achieve here now, at



ago @ 0 > oo

Appears like a lot of content needs to be cleaned up, or [marked-for-deletion].



ago @ 0 > oo

Apparently, that single-page application didn't work out very well. Issues are numerous. For one thing -- someone who just wants to share a single page with someone, makes them download a whole app, just to show a single page.

So, now, finally 2020, I have decided to try to rework it in plain Django, right here, on, without any additional JavaScript. ^__^ Let's see how it goes~

Btw., so, I'm still considering, where to put the backlog. Maybe it should be on whatever we use, like, e.g., I use Dynalist. Or, if we use GitHub's issues, it would be nice to put day-summaries here as task results.



ago @ Life-Saving Oximeter Handbands

Most of deaths are because of lack of oxygen, so, an indicator in the case of very large spectrum of issues.



ago @ Default Interlingual Synsets

This actually is worth trying. Very little effort is required, to pull data from WikiData, and a bit of compute/memory, to have a usable thing.



ago @ Life-Saving Oximeter Handbands

“Wearable graphene sensors use ambient light to monitor health” use ambient light———— Exactly same idea, mabe you can cooprerate with them


ago @ Life-Saving Oximeter Handbands

[Transiency@0D38482D], [+] :)



ago @ Life-Saving Oximeter Handbands



ago @ Metaformat

Umm, there is a package now, that can be tested with:

Try pip install metaform, and then

import metaform

'*': '',
 'url': '',
 'fullname': 'John Lennon',
 'birthdate': '1940-10-09',
 'spouse': ''



ago @ Open-Source Tax

Maybe there should be also research tax, cause researchers (esp. in public universities) create good for the public.



ago @ Metaformat

Related protocols: - DIDs - DCATs



ago @ Default Interlingual Synsets

What's great about this idea, is that the default meanings are already known to people, so, one can expect people to be able to use it immediately to communicate.



ago @ Universal Intelligence System

Actually, the above does not describe how we would organize that index of entities; how much storage it would require to index them, and to reason with respect to those indices.

