
ago @ Loving Systems

[bobi], come join us! the experiment got more concrete and turned into artistic (body) lifelogging! I'll share a collective Instagram account with you if you'd like to add a visual a day from your body experiencing loving systems!



ago @ Loving Systems Logging

We are diving into artistic collective lifelogging!

Open Experiment goes:

In that moment of sending love energy, we mark it through spontaneous photo or video with an intention to collect lifelogs on "How does body experience Loving Energy?". Photos as they happen are shared on a collective Instagram account. Share a Story as it happens. Once a day share a Feed Post from each that summarises those day's experience.

Anyone who wants to participate in the experiment will access this Instagram account :)

By the end of 21 end period we'll have a collective library of images that captured our Loving Energy moments. These will store those emotions and can be further used for creating along this theme.



ago @ Loving Systems

I was just thinking about a related quote today: “This sky where we live is no place to lose your wings so love, love, love.” ― Hafiz of Shiraz

I've been trying to pay more attention to breath during my day-to-day experience and as part of that I've been doing simple breathing exercises that help you expand your lung capacity. Naturally, I was thinking about my lungs during the exercise and that lungs rhymes with wings ... then the Hafiz quote came to mind.

I find so interesting the relationship between breath, lungs, wings, and love. Thank you for this prompt to think about Loving Systems.

I would absolutely love to join the 21 day habit-forming experiment starting this evening. Will report how it goes.



ago @ Loving Systems Logging

What/How shall we monitor our wellbeing in this experiment?

How do we know we think Love Energy? And how do we know it has any impact on our life? :))



ago @ Loving Systems

I see that the next question in this ideation adventure is:

How to showcase the experience of Loving Systems (as a self-organisation pattern, which, through fractal networks, at chaos zone, become a whole bigger than its parts)?



ago @ Loving Systems

RE Hypothesis, there are at least two.

1 - If we rename "Living Systems" to "Loving Systems" more people would become interested in systems thinking. "Loving" reveals emotion in people and sparks curiosity. And it relates to the core value of living systems.

2- as you described :) "If we apply this set of values to self-organize, then humans would imagine and co-create heavens on Earth".

RE How:

Sure, propaganda can be imagined :) At the same time Philosophy exists to spark curiosity without detailed prescription. I'll think some more :)



ago @ Autonomous agents

I'm thinking in line of Huginn and node red.

I want some while loop keeping alive my backups and files on multiple clouds. I want self arranging computing - plug in a hard drive and it gets added to the cluster . I'll make ideas for each.



ago @ Loving Systems

So, as I understand, the hypothesis behind this idea is:

"If we apply this set of values to self-organize, then humans would imagine and co-create heavens on Earth".

However, the "How?" part is scant of details of how to achieve the values listed (Love, Hope, No Expectation, Flexibility, Simplicity, Assets, Quality), it just states that if we somehow try to "self-organising through fractal networks, when chaos becomes a whole bigger than its parts", then it somehow would happen. So, it's not answering the "How" really, it just postulates a mental view:

"If we mentally try to live with these values in mind, then it will follow that the hoped."

Ok... I see. While values may be good and desired, without a propaganda plan to implement them, they are just a conception of a set of values of good will.

// Me and [malü] are starting a 21 day habit-forming experiment

Yay! Let us know how the experiment will go, and how we can join it. If it goes well, we'll have to think of a propaganda plan, because without such a plan, it'll not change the status quo, that there is a fraction of people wonderful loving hearts, yet that fraction remains relatively the same over time.



ago @ 0 > oo

"Let Everything Exist" philosophy should be linked to 0oo project :)



ago @ Loving Systems

Me and [malü] are starting a 21 day habit-forming experiment:

"How our lives will change (or not! it's an experiment) if we practise to feel Love in our daily thoughts and actions -

  • when responding to clients (wishing them Love),

  • when buying food and cooking (wishing a meal Love),

  • when reading the news (wishing all humans and the earth Love),

  • when responding to friends and strangers on the Internet (wishing them Love),

  • ..."



ago @ Autonomous agents

For what I know, the programs that do interact with the real world are drivers, that modulate the signals to / from hardware. They are at the interface of physical and digital.

On the other hand, the concept of autonomy implies self-determinism, as described in the article on autobots.

Thus, what you are asking to think us about, is the self-determining drivers: imagine a Mars rover, that decides by itself, if it wants or it doesn't want to perform its interface function between the Mars and us, and determines itself how it would like to modulate the interface between us and its hardware. For example, if it gets cold, it may not want to let us move its wheels, or smth like that.

I think, putting autonomy at the driver levels, would mean that drivers themselves could decide to trickle into or infect a computer, and make it work the way they modulate. Biological analogy: having bacteria (autonomous agents) inhabit guts (the interface between digested food and living system).

What could self-determined drivers do for us?

My first thought -- they could wreck havoc to our computer systems, making them unpredictable and life-like. I wonder, what you had in mind while writing this interest :)



ago @ Making Sure We Use Time Effectively

The quantum mechanics argument recognizes life as a process of energy flow in interconnected and interdependent networks of relationships.

Life arises from the relationships between time, energy, and matter.

I relate these concepts to the time to imagine, the energy to design, and the resources to build the kind of world that we want to live in. To explore how we imagine, design, and build the future together, I would think, would be the best use of our time, energy, and resources.



ago @ Making Sure We Use Time Effectively

Jenny Odell’s book, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy, is one person’s journey to use time more effectively by focusing attention more intentionally toward reclaiming life from those who would want to monetize and monopolize our attention.



ago @ Poverty of care

I see what you mean. It looks like it is another disease of capitalism: bacteria don't care about other fellow bacteria (each one lives for itself), whereas cells of a body tissue with immune system responds in a coordinated, collaborative way to help each other and stand for one another. The issue is in the lack of wider sense of self. Based on IIT, it seems that to create the wider sense of selves, some kind of social feedback loops must important.



ago @ Human superorganism

Heres another way to look at that pickle. Our society, economic structure , is a graph, of relationships, links between people and orgs. Graphs have a really cool property. You can layer them up, by adding new nodes and links. Just adding new structure wo breaking the old one. And,... thats what i propose to do, to build new graph on top of existing one, wo breaking anything, using same people, maybe adding new parallel orgs, reusing the old ones, on individual basis. The people gonna decide how. All we need to do is provide the tools and, very important, the key, pass the vision. Just the tools not gonna do the job. We need to inspire, to light that fire, to plant the seed, to lose the greed, to love each other. Its not hard, everyone is ready. And, we are not special. That fire is getting started everywhere. We are one of many, and we honna merge, super quick, faster then control freaks can freak out.



ago @ Human superorganism

I want to be organised or assigned a superorganism based on the values that I agree to. I would move homes towards people who believe the same things. If everybody did this, we could have regions where people believed the same things. Like a neighbourhood that wants UBI from the council rather than from central government. Bristol has its own currency in the UK - it is paralell to the pound.



ago @ Human superorganism

[chronological], while I do share similar similar sentiments about the current society. Btw., you still have no method here, but rather, a desired state, so [marked-as-intent]. Ideas on "oo" are meant to be not merely bright "thoughts", but "methods" answering the "how" aspect. The thought of being part of the supraorganism is attractive, because unlike the competition of bacteria, the growth of a tissue, is sponsored by the organism -- the blood is granted, and modulated to support the higher goals of the superorganism.

There is a problem with allowing only a single superorganism to exist though. Imagine a joungle that is not an ecosystem, but rather, a well-cared computer-controlled garden. Within such garden, you may have freedom to play, but you could not change how garden itself is designed, because everything would be homeostatically controlled -- whatever you break or shift parameters, would be rebuilt -- based on a single blueprint. If the inhabitatns of the garden now could not edit the garden code, they would be pretty much doomed to living in some kind of authocracy.

There are two exits: (1) allowing the diverse gardents to exisat, and move between them. (2) allowing the inhabitatns to modeify the source code of the garden. (e.g., a bit like in code development, with pull-requests)

The (2) approach would be quite limited, because with the increasing number of inhabitants within the garden, and diversity of personalities, it would be increasingly hard to have an agreement, which "pull-request" should be implemented, and there would be people unhappy.

The (1) approach is more flexible, but requires more resources (e.g., like a new cloud computing system) for each garden.

Now, there is another question of -- do you want to be part of a particular superorganism, and what kind of particular superorganism would you like to be part of -- and I think that is a cultural-economic-ideological question. Even today, people living in different countries can be a bit like in different gardens, and, in context of, I was thinking of the pursuits as well (described it here). Often, culture has to serve the mission. Start-up companies remain efficient by employee selection, often thinking of employees as family, and some countries try to think of their citizens that way.

It's worth thinking what kind of culture could make us into a superorganism that we'd like to be.



ago @ Human superorganism

What you getting to is what i call timebanking. You get community credits for time vested into community, for doing favors. Its same as money. Lets call 1hr of work a shenanogins dollar, S1. Then, you can say everyone in my community works for $50/hr. So, you got exchange rate of S1=$50. Of course, its simplified. All kinda mechanisms can be added to regulate the economy. But, the point of it, Money is born out of kindness, not debt as dollar does. That makes all the difference. How do we create such economies on large scale is another good subject. Thats what blockchain is for, a blank slate. We are all busy creating alternative economies on blockchain. We can create economic structures of freedom, self evolving, self governing, with a few lines of code. Still, we would be creating a bubble if it all revolved on the cloud. We need land, to build communities on the ground, to actually produce tangible goods and services, to actually help someone. So, i propose to create those bc orgs, daos, with a high moral goal of supporting such communes. I propose dedicating our org to distribute land Grants to deserving communities. Lets buy our planet back, at a good deal, since dollar is crashing against crypto. Nows the time to extend o ur bubble over the planet. Itll start as bubbles of sanity and kindness, creating seeds of new culture. Our online org tools and economic structures will guide thise communes to prosperity. Prosperity will gravitate others and the commie virus will spread, and the culture will flip, as we learn to share and to collaborate, all in the name of love and humanity. We will collectively evolve into a smarter collective being, thru our links over the web. Thats why im a web dev. Did you notice, this revolution does not destroy, but builds on previous success, and includes everyone, including trump



ago @ Water Intelligence

My understanding is that water is alive and conscious - if you say the word Jesus around water the water changes. The bible refers to "living water" as the spirit -

There is also the concept of holy water -

The superstructure of water surface looks like neurons - like a fractal:

This is how neurons look -

In occult teachings we say "as above, so below" - the motion of electrons around a neutron resembles planets around a star. The same applies to the spirit. A tiny fly or ant has a small amount of consciousness of colours, motion, sensory input. It's alive. Just like us but at a smaller scale. I would go as far to say that inanimate objects are conscious but perceive different things that organic creatures do. God is very clever.



ago @ Self-Organised Learning Communities

Dont misunderstand social hacking. It simply means helping communities to stay on track. And, you dont attach moral value to ideas, but find a way for your idea to benefit others even more then you. Your karma will take care of you. Think community first approach.



ago @ Self-Organised Learning Communities

Universes only seem to be born anew, from the distance of time. Observing the pandemic, i realized, every big bang is a phase transition. Like water boiling. First, a few bubbles, they start merging, and inflationary phase begins, when mergers quickly, explosively transform the old structure into new one. Its a structure transform. It can be modelled as a function, a gauge. Im building these functions in my logic engine. So, every beginning, if successful, takes over the minds, spreads, and becomes a movement. And, if you wanna succeed, go with that flow. Best is to attach a high moral value to any idea, and let it go. I call it social hacking . Seriously, i see how communities can self guide themselves, to optimize freedom and kindness. These can be measured by gauges and adjusted by dials on community dashboard, under community peer review, and codified into a blockchain nft. Thats what i see solarea to provide.



ago @ Self-Organised Learning Communities

Im very interested in that subject. I see learning and teaching as an organic part of any organizational structure. Its essential to maintain degrees of freedom in the structure, so people can freely move within it. I envision positions as nodes, and people like free particles, sticking around in clumps to those nodes. So a manager position occupied by a team of collaborators, teaching and mentoring each other, using the instructional tools we provide, rather community provides. Still, we have to practice it, create the seed tools, trade them in solarea, and let community take over and evolve it. That will be our educational industry. Distributed and organic, an economy of iys own, prbly using the existing educators and tools, but in a different structure of freedom. That applies to any industry. This is a type, of solution.



ago @ Self-Organised Learning Communities

No,not random. each beginning is iteration on other process. Remember, its all fractal. Beginning is just a fork, instantiation of possible outcome.



ago @ Metaphysical Gravity

Well Dalai Lama also says that love is the way. As a feeling it deffo makes life easy!

Humans tend to look for a scientific proof in everything though before living it. So here is a fun thought experiment: what we could measure in human mental states to see that love is the way? Perhaps brain waves, energy levels, ... and compare that with the average emotion/state of a typical human these days. If love wins in charts, lets embrace universal love as a social norm, as a value to live by.



ago @ Syntropy and Living Systems

What a weird perception Erwin had. If I observe nature, life seems to be about creating more life, always expanding, and even waste is reused for energy which then fuels life again.

And I'd say from the Chaos it self-organises into Order, new creatures, new life...



ago @ Syntropy and Living Systems

I have similar thoughts about nature of intellegence. We make assertions, to make sense of chaos. Eg, two piles of identical beens. One we call dinner, another supper. Each assertion is a word, quantizing the reality, a particle. Then we compose assertions into sentences, creating processes and notion of time. So, assertions are particles and on and on, and we have a qm model in our head. Imo, thats the nature of qm, our need to name things, to quantize the chaos. So, qm is a projection of reality on our skull.



ago @ Self-Organised Learning Communities

Love that [bauhouse], thanks for exploring together!

From your quote it seems that we agree about self-organisation on how systems function.

But how about the birth of systems? How do self-organised systems birth? If we seek a self-organised learning community, then the beginnings of systems are interesting to explore. Or are beginnings just pure randomness?



ago @ Self-Organised Learning Communities

I was also inspired by Sugata Mitra’s explorations of self-organization. Jeremy Lent’s book, The Web of Meaning, explores the concept of self-organization as it applies to patterns of nature and to human activity.

“Spectacular as these patterns are in nature, the principles they represent also apply to human activity. Whether we’re looking at how an embryo develops, how evolution occurs, the dynamics of an ecosystem, how cities operate, how markets fluctuate, and even how civilizations rise and fall, many principles remain the same. When we realize the vast terrain over which these patterns of self-organization apply, we begin to comprehend how crucial it is to understand them.”

Lent, Jeremy. The Web of Meaning (pp. 102-103). New Society Publishers. Kindle Edition.



ago @ Grandma Spirals

Creating a drama with black and neon colours, inspired by the darkness of the ocean's floor and glowing creatures (corals, bioluminescent bacteria).

Project's persona is a stylish grandma wearing black with neon - to communicate wisdom and relation to youth.



ago @ Quantitative Cardinality Sets Project

[skihappy], you could model negative mass with negative cardinality, but negative cardinality as a concept is strictly is not equivalent to negative mass, so, it's not negative mass.

For an accountant, negative cardinality could be negative assets (liabilities), and other specialists it may be concepts in other domains.



ago @ Negative Cardinality

Yeah, perhaps it could simplify accounting, or maybe, it could even help make goal-pursuit more imaginary, as everything that's formalized as a set of sets of ... of sets, could suddenly have that imaginary component ("goals are just imaginary assets").



ago @ Negative Cardinality

Negative cardinality is deficit of something, a task yet to be done. It has to do with sequence, then, and time. Really interesting



ago @ Verified skill/accomplishment database

Indeed, track record databases could replace CVs, or rather, literally, write CVs automatically, and it is happening in coding and truck driving, and other areas already.

However, there are all types of skills. For example, someone who has experience scuba-diving, now will not be able to go scuba-diving without a smart-watch tracking him or her, or it won't count as activity. However, someone who has a lot of experience in it, could prove the skill really quickly just by doing it once again, and without track record. So, a more relevant thing can be an on-line proving ground... And people already have such things, for example, there are testing services of all kind of skills.

For example, you can easily take an exam to prove that you're in possession of knowledge to be an actuary, and those tests are qualifying (i.e., verification level), and those proofs are actually stored in databases, maybe even cryptographically signed, maybe already in blockchain.

So, I think, what you are proposing is already happening, just not at the scale or momentum that you'd like to.



ago @ Sound of Living Systems

After looking up online "Oceans Underwater Noise" came up.

"Just as microphones are used to listen to sound in air, devices called hydrophones are used to listen to sound underwater. ... Similarly, hydrophones convert sound in water into electrical signals that can be amplified, recorded, played back over loudspeakers, and used to measure the characteristics of the sound."

Thinking further, how to measure Ocean's Underwater Noise? And how to clean it from human made noise in the oceans?



ago @ Sound of Living Systems

Hmm not comparing the process of water but the object of water inside the Earth and inside the body, through its frequency (ocean waves vs heartbeat).

Useful question further would be, if we see both - the planet Earth and the human body - as living systems, what to compare a heartbeat with for this exploration? Is the collective noise made by ocean waves an equivalent to a heart beating?



ago @ Sound of Living Systems

Ad-hoc connections for drawing a picture? Perhaps. However, such relations would be rather imprecise analogies. For example, the water ecosystem is propelled by the Sun, evaporating waters, and this process is very different from the process that powers the heart pumps blood: one is natural, and occurs on other planets, like Titan, another is a part of a living being, a cooperation of billions of cells. Take away life from Earth, and water would still evaporate and rain, whereas that cannot be said about blood in context of life of cells that make up heart.



ago @ Sound of Living Systems

If Ocean fills the Earth, and blood fills the human body and pumps the heart, then it's interesting to artistically explore the correlation between the two living systems. Why? To create art that shares a sense of interdependence. Because there is so much division, separation and judgment in the human world, and judgment does not bring hope. While new perspectives on mixing and matching can inspire a sense of togetherness. And that is the point in itself. :)



ago @ Sound of Living Systems

Is there a similarity between sound of rain, a motor-beat of refrigerator, and Fibonacci numbers? I'd say -- very little... When it comes to nature, yes, there are cases of non-obvious mathematical relationships, like the relationship between, say, growth of flowers and the golden ratio, because of exponential growth in the circularly constrained area. However, not definite, not always, so I'm skeptical about the presence of natural relationships there.

// What properties of the ocean sound would correlate with the heart beat?

Look no further than the human ability to hear and recognize sounds, and evolutionary significance of water (like rain or ocean) to survival, and the psychology that arose from importance of water to life: hearing or not hearing water could mean the difference between life and death, thus, animals, and humans must have evolved to change heartbeat as a result of hearing them.



ago @ Sound of Living Systems

Feedback from YOMO fellows:

Lisa: "Big data analysis —> organic sense of composing = a sense of interdependence"

Matthew: “What properties of the ocean sound would correlate with the heart beat?”

John: “Golden ratio is just comparing numbers, find the right numbers to compare that derives something aesthetically meaningful”



ago @ Polycrisis in the Anthropocene

[Gien] welcome welcome!

// unifying humanity is required to mobilize citizens to play an active role

yes, active citizenship on the planet Earth! so how might we share a sense of togetherness? to me, this is about shared values, shared narratives as humans. what would be those universal values? like love, friendship, ... then it comes needs, like connection, seld-expression, etc. S.B.Kauffman recently looked into A.Maslow's work and added "transcendence" on top of all needs.

but also how might we go beyond unification of humans and explore a sense of unification of all living species (moving away from humans at the center of all life and into a web of life as a metaphor)? here, how could humans serve as "keystone species" and care and protect other species, and design a human made-up world with such a perspective?



ago @ LASAI

Project update!

Reflecting on what the project is about.. So the purpose is to spark curiosity about water through playful relationship with drops as a metaphor of micro action ("every drop of clean matters!", "keep it clean") and become a water steward, rather than judging people for water pollution) which doesn't inspire any positive behaviour anyway.

I left the end of the poem as "unfinished" so that other collaborators can build on that, and continue the story of the water drop. This way, the story of a drop becomes a "never-ending story", like water's life on Earth is.

One collaborator - [malü] - created her story of a drop too! And we both submitted our segments to YOMO.



ago @ Funding life in a community

In the UK we have printed £895 since 2009 and £250 in one year 2020 alone.

This is a lot of additional money entering the economy.

We can approximate guess revenues year on year with predictions. By giving everybody money we are making a prediction of the wealth they will produce and pay back into the economy.

We live in a society where people have to produce before they are given something. They have to work and earn money to pay for shelter.

If someone wants to spend time inventing something or producing something of their own, they need to have capital. Most people don't have capital. That's why we need to fund the basics for people.



ago @ Automated API traversal - program synthesis

UseMe files are definitely an application/related to this idea. I really like UseMe files.

The unsolved problem in this idea is the expanding of one graph to another.

Without defining what "encrypt" means - without marking the following code as "encrypt" -

Generate key Get algorithm Algorithm.encrypt(input)

You cannot expand "encrypt" to those steps. You've got to do a lot of work to indicate what encrypt means.

Maybe we can use types to solve this problem. As long as you refer to the correct types, the system can infer the correct code operations.



ago @ Automated API traversal - program synthesis

I understand what you want, and understand that such program synthesis must be possible without a programmer in the loop. I had even attempted to write software for making APIs from software libraries and websites more reusable, which I call "metadrive". I think we need drivers, because not every API is documented and not in the same standard, remember UseMe Files files idea? Once we solve automatic reusability, the graph of functions can definitely be traversed, and paths of execution to get final result composed like routes on a geographical map. Heck of a multilevel problem, but definitely solvable.



ago @ Automated API traversal - program synthesis

I should point out that OpenAPI is a specification format for rest APIs that could be used to traverse APIs the only problem is that it isn't very good.

If programs advertised their functionality, types, inputs and outputs we could have systems that program themselves to talk to other systems.



ago @ Human-Dolphin Childspeak Learning

Well, make a human-baby powered dolphin toy companion, and it just might work.



ago @ Polycrisis in the Anthropocene

Welcome [Gien] to the 'Infinity'. Congratulations with your first interest and question! While you're looking around, take a sneak at the links in the footer, including help section. It explain how this place works.

If I understand you correctly, your question is equivalent to question: "How can we quickly solve all the geologically recent problems of global concern, that human development has created?"

That's a very broad question, implying things like climate change, things of geological concern.

However, in the content section, you mostly include the human political and self-organizational issue.

Even though most such problems could be traced back to the human self-organization and politics, it is worth noting that humans are just a type of mammal, that are a bit like honey-badgers, that individually persistently look for solutions to goals they want to achieve within the scopes of their interests, making it hard to control them. The scopes of interests must intersect in a very meaningful way this to happen, as different personalities are excited about different aspects of the same things, and using different words.

For example, while the geological formulation of the problem perhaps may evoke emotional response to you, it is information-theoretic formulation (for example, how I described a similarly global issue here), that seem to evoke emotional response to me. Other people yet, will have other vocabularies that evoke emotional response, for example, economic vocabulary, and so on. As the "honey-badgers" obsessed with that side, they will view the world from that perspective, and are likely to engage in some activities to push towards the positive futures from the perspectives they feel important. What will be the outcome -- is anyone's guess, and yes, just like a bunch of "honey-badgers", humans are not that well coordinated, when it comes to the global issues.

The invention of the Internet perhaps was the single greatest contribution to make them coordinated, and we're still figuring out how to use the power of the Internet to achieve such self-coordination and mobilization.



ago @ Online Courses Subsidies

I agree that it is a valuable resource that needs to be incentivised in some way. Their existence and low adoption rate all point to a bigger opportunity. The underlying logic is to make learning more accessible. However, it is done within a siloed context. What is the bigger goal here? It is to promote high efficacy of cumulative cultural evolution (cce). If the problem is reframed from this deeper, cultural, anthropological perspective, we could learn from this failure of MOOCs to redesign an open knowledge commons for humanity that is the education system for the future of humanity.

So in essence, not only incentifying them, but remaking them in a new system that mitigates this problem.



ago @ The Liquidity of School Grades

[chronological], the green heart means "I hear you".

// If education taught useful skills perhaps employers would have requirements by grade.

In fact, if they taught useful things, people would go for education like bees for honey.



ago @ The Liquidity of School Grades

My education was very bad and I learned most things by myself. I found that education is mostly day care.

If education taught useful skills perhaps employers would have requirements by grade. But it doesn't seem to work like that.

I would like to have a digital account of my qualifications and be awarded certifications of my skills that I have demonstrated. Perhaps if we took evaluation of human skills seriously rather than very poorly created curriculums which are just regurgitation of information.

