
ago @ 0 > oo

Love that. Having online meetups for:

  • Linking Goals and Ideas
  • Projects Progress

would be useful and help people find collaborators and get into feedback loop to move projects forward.

Instead of a Calendar, it would be cool to have a button somewhere that people click to announce about willingness to connect on Zoom.

Maybe it can start as a generic Question "Online Meetups for 0oo" where 0oo users comment when they want to come together on a call.




// How to showcase a hexagon shape on my website? CSS is a challenge for me. //

You might want to take a look into and -- those are the tools that have the potential to create impressions. Though, it all depends on what you are trying to achieve. CSS is also quite powerful, but wherever people are in need of impressive imagery, I'd recommend also thinking about other forms of media, like loading a repeating video over entire page as background, dynamic SVG, or something else.




Overall, through Spells that my book Superhero needs to learn, I'd like to show a harmony/dance between Body and Mind, irrational and rational, as a culmination of coexistence within a human being, which will shape coexistence on the planet Earth for all humans if they read my book!




After presenting my progress to a friend, I was thinking about her questions on "Can you explain more what is a Superhero mentioned on your site?"

So the idea of the book is to serve as a "min effort in the personal transformation journey and evolving to feel co-existence". Then, I reviewed my spells captured on Airtable and realised that many are Body spells like walking, listening, dancing, gardening, etc.

So, I'd like to add some spells for the Mind not just the Body. What mental models align with living systems philosophy, i.e. help to navigate chaotic world of creativity?

Zoom out, Zoom in (like on Workflowy)

Solo, Together (like a wing that becomes a butterfly at times)

Like a heartbeat




Thinking, I'd like to produce a mini version of this project for March: One chapter based on the story shown in the video.

If people like it, then I could create a mailing list and ongoing Patreon fundraising. From there, I could expand into more collaborations and more chapters.




Thinking about a book design as hexagon published as 6 mini-stories featuring different heroes/heroines who discover their spells in their own way: music, seeds, etc. (Potentially thinking to feature a real project/creator as character.) Together these mini-stories fit into a giant hexagon like a puzzle. And each comic is illustrated within boxes of hexagons not the usual squares.

Each story is illustrated by a different illustrator (2/6 confirmed). I'm also considering one more mini-story as rectangular to showcase "old story" all humans live in. Then, the six hexagon books mark the transition from the old to the new, the personal transformation moment to living systems philosophy.

The challenge is about Prototype: How to make a paper notebook as a hexagon now and divide a page into hexagons nicely? And then, how to showcase a hexagon with hexagons inside on WordPress (website made with Elementor)? Reading online advices here...

Another challenge: How much I can produce as actual book with different collaborators for March?



ago @ SAME

so far our members come from Lithuania, Argentina, Colombia, US, France, Ireland, UK, Poland, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Canada, Sakha Republic, Kenya, Brasil



ago @ Humans as Community

"How might we act as "community-forming beings"? is essential question.



ago @ Business Incubator

I think providing state of the art technology representative of a traditional digital transformation is the unique part of this idea.



ago @ Business Incubator

Heh, the "projects" side of 0oo is actually aiming to be like one, though, getting bags of money is currently still an issue. However, given that we start sharing publicly about work progresses, and do some interesting projects in a public way, may be a reason for curious investors to flock. So, there is a pattern that's common among startups -- "sprints" and "iterations" rather than "solving issue tickets" (that's more common in established businesses). The sprints and iterations thingie needs periodic challenges, and results in between, so the potential investors can feel the rhythm (we can compute its characteristics for display as well).

On the other hand, the ideas side should probably be more like a patent office. Thinking to myself -- why not to partner with various patent offices globally, and discuss, how we could help the open innovators gain rights in future revenues, could easily discuss technical integrations.

However, in general, the idea of "Business Incubator" isn't new, so you should give it at least a more unique summary. ;)



ago @ Making Sure We Use Time Effectively

Don't read random books that people give you, read books that build up a theme.



ago @ The Time Shop

Heh, well, it does, in the sense that we measure value in "human hours", targeting for "time-well spent" as our community's KPI (here). However, trade happens not between "meters", but between actual objects and "ropes", in that sense, the "meter" is a bit of a neutral thing, so we don't do exchange on 0oo in "unit of measure" we do it in real currencies, but we express and display it in "h" (the meter" of all currencies. So, I'd say, you could say both "yes and no".



ago @ The Time Shop

Does it relate to 0oo too? [Mindey]



ago @ Making Sure We Use Time Effectively

What is useful for one and everyone?



ago @ 0 > oo

Right, that makes sense, it's usually done through certain timed online activities, that would be easy by combining Zoom + Google calendar. However, I'd think it might be not fun if the number of people is too small. E.g., if just 3 people show up :) It would be more fun if there were say 8 people or so to start with, so, I'd think, well, plan it for the future. Good direction though.

In addition, I imagine there are different kinds of meetings: - (for goals & ideas) sorting and voting on them, helping discover new links (related works), and free talking - (for projects) there are people who might want to catch up periodically about their project progress, almost like startups, and consult each others.

One of the shortcomings of the Airtable-based calendars is that they do not show the details of the event, only name, when added to calendars, so I don't know how many people actually subscribed to them.



ago @ Social Darwinism

Alternative to Darwinism is L.Margulis work on Symbiosis and Cooperation as a driving force of evolution.

What if textbooks and culture that promote Darwinism as idea are wrong and is simply promoted by some thought collectives?

For curiosity, I recommend watching a movie on L.Margulis ideas which may spark alternative ideas :)



ago @ 0 > oo

Idea for feature request:

  • Invite friends for 1 hour real-time Infinity Challenge during which everyone posts interesting Questions/Ideas and comments to each other's posts on

Having a time limit focuses everyone to think creatively and creates a bond between strangers fast.

I used to moderate live twitter chats for hundreds of strangers. Worked great!



ago @ Freedom to fail

You're right Ruta, there's value in every failed business venture.



ago @ Freedom to fail

"Freedom to Iterate" would inlude ups and downs. "Startups" try to adopt this mentality while iterating fast in the market already.

What would be interesting if "failed startups" would somehow share their stategies and project management for reuse by other startups, because not everything that they worked on was an error and even if it was it can spark ideas.



ago @ Missing institutions

A post mortem on every failed business ever where people discover what caused them to fail.

We should have 0 failed business plans and 0 job losses (except for exceptional causes).

Society should be antifragile.



ago @ Missing institutions

One can think of an institution to care about arbitrary little thing, for example, "Market Access" or "Subsidy". However, the very way of optimization that the Western world seem to have chosen, relies on evolving and screening for the winners, not nurturing and helping the losers to grow up. I think, it again comes from the Darwinian Optimization mentality, and to create that new mentality, we've got to think of the losers as the outliers, -- seeds with unusual potential -- because, the reasons why they are losers, perhaps, is because they are in the wrong soil, not because they are inherently unfit. With that thinking, something like an institution for "Nurture of Outliers" focused on mining untapped talent and perspectives may be invented.



ago @ Social curriculum

Like, you come to a school, and tell what you want to do, then we vote on what to do, then we group by interest, then we work on it?



ago @ Social Darwinism

Another example of social darwinism that makes me sick is the idea that our jobs are now replaceable with foreign labour after COVID because if you can work from home that means someone can work remotely.



ago @ Įrankiais paremta edukacija

Related suggestions by Sal Khan (see link), but will the universities and schools of the world listen?



ago @ Right Competition


This obviously doesn't suggest a solution, so not an idea. I'll have to make a function to convert types: ideas into for questions, ideas into proejcts, etc.



ago @ Social Darwinism

Social darwinism (or, as I called it Modern Jungle), and my conclusions were that the future is a society that codes itself:

"If we, as a mankind consciously define our goals, and pursue them, then that would not be market economy anymore. That would be planed economy, with carefully designed flexible, open and reasonable capital flow management system, informed by contribution-based and open risk management system, upon levels of hierarchies of variables, based on our needs that define them."

But a problem that I point out, is our mental limitations (mental health). So, I conclude that one way to enable the majority of people understand how society works as a whole, is to make the knowledge about how it makes everything, publicly accessible, and well-documented (a bit like in an IDE that helps you to drill down to any sub-procedure).

Another problem I pointed out, is algorithms and procedures being proprietary and non-transparent, and my worries that making them open may well may enable machines to self-replicate. I pointed out the monitoring systems as a possible precautionary measure. I could add, that cryptographic signing of operations with real human identities would also help to keep machines from taking over, so with that in mind, yeah, I think the "self-coding society" is a viable alternative to the "social darwinism".

I'll try to describe it as an idea and elaborate on it, as it may be possible to come up with more specifics.



ago @ Social Darwinism

An example is competing for food ala hunger games. Is it right? I find it disgusting.



ago @ Social Darwinism

I cannot compete to the same degree as others due to my illness, schizophrenia. This means I am stuck where I am in a lot of areas. (Closeness to doctors, hospitals) Had I been disabled in 1950s my life would be very different to today. Modern healthcare is far more ethical.

I want to compete and build a Linux desktop environment but I don't have the skills to do so. I struggle with learning new things due to my illness.



ago @ Unity app

// So, "ad-idem" (or on ideas) would probably be the better approach. Again, it also heavily depends on how you formulate those questions.

If you read the idea again you get presented with ideas and you vote for or against them.

// People generally don't like to be judged

I think people enjoy doing quizzes and answering questions.



ago @ Making Sure We Use Time Effectively

Television has to change. Programming is currently dumb or for the common denominator. Work takes up the majority of people's waking hours, so working hours have to change also. Perhaps to a four day working week. Then finally people have time and energy to create things.



ago @ Making Sure We Use Time Effectively

This cannot be understated. Our time is limited, and unless we learn to make more of time (I mean, literally, working on extending life), we will run out of it. So, a vote for this.



ago @ Application of Fractals in Society

Before I talked to any of my friends (comments above), I wrote a reflection on my blog straight after watching a movie.

Now I realise that any topic can be interpreted in many ways: I have quite different points on my individual reflection and feedback from my friends. That makes me think that thinking individually and collectively are both important.



ago @ Application of Fractals in Society

// “Albert Einstein refused to believe in a dice-playing deity. He wrote a letter to Max Born in which he said, ‘You believe in a God who plays dice and I in complete law and order.’ So, he obviously felt that chance and deterministic laws were not compatible. He preferred the deterministic laws. Now, what the Mandelbrot set and chaos and related things have done for us is to show that you can have both at the same time. It is not whether God plays dice that matters. It is how God plays dice.” — Prof. Ian Stewart (46:00) //

  • Curious about randomness and order. What can we learn from Fractals to have more fluidity in our human lives and as society?



ago @ Application of Fractals in Society

I asked Mansoor yesterday "how our projects can be fractal?" His answer was that it's project-specific. But a general idea is: "Elements can sync together to create a whole greater than its parts".



ago @ Application of Fractals in Society

We had a fantastic exploration with Struppi! We played with spheres and vectors as magnets, and how they connect with one another into stable structures.


  • 2 as a minimum system ("you cannot know thyself without the other")

  • Spheres as inside/outside/boundary ("no boundary between a human and nature because we're a shared air")

  • Life having many forms (polyforms)

  • Polycentric structure ("everyone can be a center of the Universe")

  • Triangle as a balanced relationship (example of tiny spheres as a cube and as a tetra)..

We plan to continue exploring and go further: take general principles of synergetics and imagine practical examples of how would our world look like if tetrahedron is the basic structure vs cube (how would a city look like? a community? and so on)



ago @ Consumer price breakdown requirement

I would like to see a "Person Count" on labels for products.

That's how many people benefit by you buying that product, the number of people that were involved in producing the product.

You could also track water usage, electricity usage and put that on the label.



ago @ The Time Shop

Heh, that is so related to the idea of consumer price breakdown requirement. It may be unfair that someone with a machine who can produce millions of items of same quality goes to the same market to compete with handmade items, and people buying them without knowing the human-time estimate. If this human-time estimate were to be included into labels, like an ingredient (ingredients are often legally required to be included), then people would start realizing and adjusting certain social inequalities, like product pricing.



ago @ 6 hour childcare

So the service is not abused, I suspect there should be a limit on how many hours you can send your child to the government funded childcare.

This is derived from the minimum number of hours for time with family that constitutes a happy family life. it could be something like happy families work best when the children spend at least 3 hours a day excluding sleep at home.



ago @ 0 > oo

Regarding comment likes/dislikes, do we want to be able to see, who liked/disliked? :) I think yes, because people care to know who read them, without explicit replies.

Or, better, make read-receipts, so that anyone can optionally just add a "tick", to indicate they had read, leaving the likes to be for evaluation rather than read-receipt indication.



ago @ 0 > oo

// "Dream=World(Actions)" at the top.. //

Yeah, and good visually! Totally makes sense. It's a to-do. ;)



ago @ 0 > oo

I added a challenge: How can homepage encourage new users to see what the platform is for? (Feedback from 6 people about them feeling overloaded). How can Dream=World(Actions) aka Y=F(X) be more obvious for newbies?

Suggestion: On homepage, add "Dream=World(Actions)" instead of "FEEDS Items created in last 7 days are in bold." to communicate the purpose of the platform. See this photo of what I mean




Cheapest I can remember, is that that paper microscope. I think those were invented for detecting malaria. On the ones suitable for the said "photosession", I'd recommend to think of collaboration with a university, they've got equipment, and rent microscope time, as good scopes ain't cheap, unless you want to play with toys for kids (e.g., [1], [2]).



ago @ 0 > oo

Great to see likes on comments feature realised! I wonder, does it make sense to transform "-" into "?". This way "+" means agreement and "?" means a request to clarify a comment. This way it's more constructive and encourages commentators to continue discussion rather than disagreeing which ends the discussion.




// Get a microscope, and get 'em into a photo-session? //

Love this idea, [Mindey]! I was actually dreaming about it (microscope) for some time now lol. Any recommendations on cheap good ones? :)




I'm thinking about producing the book as musicians do singles and then the album. So, each chapter would be like a living system itself and have a different illustrator, and together all illustrators with me form a "MUTANTU tribe", this way showing that systems are all about interactions and nothing exists in vacuum.

(Also I got a suggestion to run a Kickstarter campaign for that)




// How can I showcase Bacterias //

Get a microscope, and get 'em into a photo-session?




I presented my scenes (on Airtable) for six people at Living Systems Collaboratory. Some of the feedback was on "How can I showcase Bacterias as (a living system) living harmoniously within a Human and Human (as a living system) living harmoniously within Earth?"



ago @ Instinto Creador

// ¿¿Cómo puedo hacer crecer mi comunidad sin usar Instagram?? //

Hey [malü], I have some thoughts on your Challenge!

So the Q is how to connect with new people without social media for a business? Well you could go back to basics like parties and introductions. You'd need some ways of entertaining people (where is the party? and when? for who?)

Your website (blog) with interviews with thought leaders and online events about topic X could be that central place where the party is happening (where people can leave comments, connect to others).

So next Q is how to invite people to the party? Everytime you have a new interview/event. First asking 1:1 until you build up your ecosystem (newsletter list)

Terms you may want to explore are influencers, SEO link building, inbound marketing



ago @ The Scandal of Money

Value of a country is connected to how safe a country is for capital.

That's wrong. Most people don't have capital.



ago @ The Scandal of Money

I think a large amount of financial engineering is fraudulent. Just look at tax avoidance.

But what's rotten in demark is the currency itself. Fiat currency is fraudulent by its nature.

I think it's wrong that a country's worth can be diluted internationally by a financial cabal.

Bitcoin is no solution. The bitcoin lords are fiefdoms of another nature, speculative jackals.

