
ago @ Grounded Stream . com

I tried to visit the - the site you linked as the project's site, but could not reach it. :) It seem to exist in DNS, but not linked to a server yet. I'm curious about what you're building.



ago @ Stripe

[Bassxn2], it's in fact project that's supposed to be for Stripe. The world knows that Stripe has something that we call equipment -- which is any tool run by a project. Thing is, in order to register operations done by equipment, we have to have not our (other people's) project just to technically add operations done by that equipment. Similarly, you'll find projects like "Ethereum", and so on here. It doesn't mean that these projects are run via Infinity, but the intention is that we can create a structure that creates ontological sense about them: world is run by projects creating tools that perform operations -- a money transfer is just as much of an operation, like a print by a printer, or a cut by a laser, etc.

Today, public is aware of 2 instances of Stripe equipment -- that is the main and test system, in a similar way how a hospital may have a few MRI machines. I'm sure the folks from Stripe would have more to say about the design and web architecture of their service.



ago @ what is log4j

Thank you! And thanks for elaboration and explanation, appreciated. Noted.



ago @ what is log4j

Welcome to Infinity, [Bassxn2]! :) The log4j is a computer security issue, and 0-day-ish issue, and it's super-widespread, because Log4j is very popular library used in all kind of software.

It's good it's easy to fix:

  • Java 8's Log4j to >=2.17.0
  • Java 7's Log4j to >=2.12.3
  • Java 6's Log4j to >=2.3.1
  • OR remove zip -q -d log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class

Lookup for traces of intrusion:

Take a note, that this issue is very circumstantial time-sensitive, it is not a long-term global challenge. [marked-for-expiry]



ago @ Stripe

Stripe the stripe stripe? Or a new Stripe? I'm interested!



ago @ 0oo External links

What about It was a special/unique community back in the day, though, now it seems to have been merged into



ago @ Electrochemical Screen

Yes, and now I remember, I already published this idea before: Material Emulation Screen, -- original, better.



ago @ Electrochemical Screen

Would this screen be able to feel smooth to touch and shiny like gold one millisecond, yet sticky and black like tar another millisecond?



ago @ Periodic Table IQ Score

And what would be the "IQ" of a civilization that can do material chemical properties without using atomic nuclei (e.g., being able to do Electrochemical screen-like or Positronic Material Emulation Screen-like thing) to manipulate electromagnetic field? Civilization CE-0?



ago @ Programmatic Access and Control

I'm thinking, it would be worth inviting all the people mentioned here, and others who are interested to a web conference on this topic. Data and systems access and control is a generic need.



ago @ Discovery Methods for Living Systems

// What new methods would help explore consciousness of other beings?

Mathematics, as the study of all possible structures, can help.

// "a river is not seen as alive"

The consciousness is not a binary -- it's a continuum -- so, even a river can be seen as having consciousness, even the atoms and molecules, and so on -- the entire world is a physical field, that is connected, intricate and particular. I like how Paul Budnik describes it in his video poem:

"I assume, that consciousness in some form is the essence of physical structure. Of course, only physical entities that have the capacities of sensation, memory and communication can describe their conscious experience, but other animate or even inanimate matter may still have some form of immediate experience, albeit much simpler than what we experience:

  • when does the fading consciousness of someone dying of alzheimer's end completely?

  • when does the consciousness begin in the developing human embry or fetus?

The simplest assumption is that it never begins or ends, but is only transformed as the structure of the brain and nervous system is transformed."

And so, he concludes, that:

"If consciousness is the essence of physical structure, then mathematics, which is the study of all possible structures, may be a source of insight into what we are facing and how we might deal with it [...]" (see the book in the link)



ago @ 0 > oo

Agree how important is to be "in motion" for the oo as a system.

Hmm, I'm not sure about "ideas in motion", because how often people work on somebody else's ideas? People need incentives to do that. More often people work on their own ideas, or just projects, where ideas unfold later in the experimentation process.

To me, an interesting measure of value of the oo system would be: Link-Building, i.e. how active the network is? How often members comment and collaborate on each other's posts? The more diverse links between members posts, the more diverse creative thoughts sparked, the more quality content on the system, the more retention to the system, the more engagement, the more referrals.

Overall, I see the health of the oo system being - links and relationships between each others that spark creative thoughts for everyone.

Btw - improved replies to specific comments are useful!



ago @ 0 > oo

Thinking of the major KPI for our system, I think, is the "ideas" and "ideas in motion", where "in motion" - means, that they are actively being worked (e.g., has periodic updates).

Btw., you can reply to comments and ledger events directly, so it is possible to form specific threads and respond to works, etc.



ago @ 0 > oo

Note: Contacts of innovator communities:

  • [Japan]



ago @ 0 > oo

Alright. I've added paths: /invitation and /hi to serve as place for public invites (so, for example, clicking on or leads to the public invite.)



ago @ 0 > oo

The text inside the invite links does not disappear after the invite is used, so they remain accessible, and any old invite link is still readable, or do you mean we need a nicer URL for it, like or something?



ago @ 0 > oo

Thanks! Oh and I meant - can invite page text be accessed easier on the website and shared with people?



ago @ 0 > oo

The oldest one is here, however, there's the (paper) (on the equation model), which supersedes that design.



ago @ 0 > oo

Where is the Whitepaper of 0oo? I'd like to share it with a friend (but without an invite, just text to read). It would be useful to see Whitepaper linked in the footer of the website and in the 0oo project description :)



ago @ 0 > oo

I got it. This may be useful. What about using "Hide from Public" checkbox in the results to use as drafts? Selecting this allows to hide it from everyone who are not in the "members" of the project (but it will still get a notification in project channel). I'll consider adding this feature in next iteration.

The way I'm doing it, is that I list the items that I have completed by editing a target, just adding bullet points in it, and then, writing an update as a result with more details.



ago @ Dog Glider

Just fun to imagine.

I guess some breeds of dogs are small and fast enough to lift off all on their own, but wings would likely impede the acceleration, so, we could make wings that expand when certain windspeed is registered, and released back to normal when lifting weight becomes negative.

So, I'm imaging a dog that expands the wings automatically, when reached appropriate speed (could be done easily with air-loaded pistons, which would release the air to retract, small battery and a pump could restitute the pressure)



ago @ 0 > oo

feedback request:

I'd like to be able to add "drafts" to "results". because I love lifelogging my tasks in my project pages when they happen. with drafts, I could improve my result declarations - I could find time to record a report on each result later, and turn a draft into a public result declaration later.



ago @ SYMBÉS

Hey hey, so our workshop test happened! And here is feedback from workshop test with 7 people (4 pairs):

  • “I’d like to stay in the first 3 exercises [of Bacterias in Chaos] longer, like for 30mins! they were fun! nice way to bond, breaking barriers, before the big things, laughing at another person you dont know, then deep things! and then flying! a sensation of creating something, like music, together. from the surface to deep-ness!”

  • “beautiful journey” x2

  • “video were so useful, without it, it would be hard to understand exercises”

  • MIRO: “for people new to Miro, Miro is hard”

  • INSTRUCTIONS: “without facilitator explaining the first exercise [Greetings + Butterfly Effects], it’s hard to understand what to do!”


  • “for the first exercise, [Butterfly Effects] 3mins is way not enough time!”

  • “we did not understand what to do in the first two circles.. that we needed to click on those sticky notes and add our interests there..”

  • “we did not understand if we need to make a butterfly from the first two circles or what?”, “we did not understand that two circles are butterfly wings… “, “what’s that green sticky in the middle?”

CHAOS Activity:

  • 1 pair: “we did it, just by reading instructions. 25mins was enough time”

  • 2 pair: “plenty of time, we even had time left to chat”, “interesting, pretty well, but we wondered what was the point?”

  • 3 pair: “not enough time to do the last 1min activity, cause we dived deep into Chaos main activity for long time!” [Ruta: lets add 3mins extra?], “leave this big activity for the end, because people can go deep into this one”, “waving hands.. playful! we would start creating something crazy soon! would be cool to see activity expanded..”, “really like it, reminded me a retreat experience, just there after “so what” they say “thank you””


  • rethink Miro icebreaker

  • add more time to Butterfly Effects activity (from 3 to 7mins?) and create a video instructions, better text instructions and hand-drawn shapes

  • add 3mins extra for Chaos exercise

  • definitely facilitator should explain the exercises before opening Breakouts

  • make videos faster

  • co-creation exercise after Chaos!

  • add a contact form for matching participants after?

UPDATE: we got more feedback, so here's one document with all feedback and screenshots of how our experience looked like during a test!



ago @ SYMBÉS

I'm very curious what has been recorded in the zoom call. Any chance you will edit it and publish the most interesting element of it?



ago @ SYMBÉS

:) The linked result only contains the image of uploading it to YouTube, registering a result without the content kinda pointless, It would be much more fun to get to know more, something like a report on it.



ago @ SYMBÉS

What to bring to test workshop session this Saturday 5pm UTC:

  • join on computer,

  • a public Miro board will be shared for use during the session,

  • bring in a glass of water,

  • everyone will be asked to turn on the camera for the duration of the workshop (but don't worry, we'll have a fun hack of Zoom system to make sure everyone is comforable to be on video :) )

see you Saturday 5pm UTC!



ago @ SYMBÉS

[Mindey] I'm so happy you'd join us for this test workshop! Saturday seem to work better for friends on pacific time zone. I know you're now on Japanese time zone. I'm wondering how to juggle all the time zones on the planet Earth :) there will be 4-6 people attending - important to know availability before the workshop, because we're testing how people will experience our workshop in pairs, so if 4 friends join the test, 2 pairs will be formed to experience the workshop, and if 2 friends join the test, only one pair will be formed. if 3 people join, still 1 pair will be formed.

overall, I suggest Saturday 5pm UTC, I hope you're awake by then [Mindey]!

and everyone else is welcome to join, just comment here or message me on Telegram :)

A calendar link is right here



ago @ SYMBÉS

Why not, perhaps you've got a calendar link? :)



ago @ SYMBÉS

Challenge: looking for testers! This Friday 5pm UTC , for 1 hour, testing a workshop on Zoom. Who would like to participate and provide feedback?



ago @ SYMBÉS

For a workshop, we're imagining how could participants mimic bacteria - be without a brain and sense through a body. Key question is: how would a bacteria experience a symbiosis, a process of going from chaos to emergence to a whole that is bigger than its parts (which is the journey of creativity we want our participants to learn)?



ago @ SYMBÉS

Me & [malü] are hosting a workshop on Symbiotic Creativity at I Am Internet conference yay :)

Our Workshop, Online, Nov 18th, 2021 Symbiotic Creativity workshop on Zoom matches people for 1 hour to blend diversity and experience Intercitizenships! Participants experiment with identity and learn to mimic the behaviours of living systems: symbiotic bacterias. In groups of two, participants evolve to Synergy through a creative symbiosis process. People are invited to continue co-creating after the IAM conference through new technologies!




Reflecting on a story how a friend creator feels in nature ("svaigstu"), I imagine a scene of a creative energy hacking minds in nature - will humans survive the turbulence?




Also I'm in a systems thinking course with F.Capra now. A thought I'd like to include into the book is:

"molecules traveling through bodies"

It could be bacteria character traveling through bodies, actually. "Body Holiday Travels" scene!




Hello, World! I'm reconnecting with MUTANTU after some time of silence. So, what is new? Reflecting on the question I shared awhile back:

"Essential question for this project: If creators create (already), why they still don't feel coexistence (peace within)? What principles of Living Systems (spells) would help welcome a deep sense of coexistence into creators lives?"

Chaos, obviously! Embracing the chaotic process that leads to an emergence to a whole that's bigger than its parts. I have been experiencing this since summer and getting more comfortable with chaos, randomness, transformations that are always fluxing, dynamism that is life.

How to show a "Chaos Spell" scene in the book? I'll get to that.



ago @ Benzu Wallet Project

Just for note I have no idea how this page came up. There’s a lot of things I’m not familiar with at this site. I notice that a url is commonly asked: as of yet I do not own a url. I have no idea how to fill out the forms of progress or money. Any help?



ago @ Mechai

I imagine science fiction meets fantasy meets adventure meets romance meets drama.

The problem with most universes is that they have evil and bad things in them as villains. I don't think you need evil to create a deeply satisfying universe. I like loving animes like slide of life animes like SAKURASOU NO PET NA KANOJO, is the order a rabbit, Clannad. Animes like Evangelion have nighmarish themes and I think for spiritual health they should be avoided. Even if they are for some reason satisfying. But I think it's a bad satisfaction.

One of my favourite fictional series is Foundation series. It has something called psychohistory in it where they can predict where civilisations turn out with complete they can plan society out of a social collapse. There is a large galactic empire which spans many planets. I like how you can have a story for each planet.



ago @ Mechai

Hello, Mindey! I just read your page on Merge Worlds and I have to say that it’s similar to it but with two noticeable differences: 1) It’s actually not the merely the taking of the best timelines and putting them into this one, but it’s the taking of all timelines and putting them together in the most aesthetically/sensibly pleasing way. Mechai is all about taking the best part of everyone’s ideas and putting them all in one place, that’s an alternate reality that through scientific means has influence on this one. 2) The project most definitely may use ideas of higher science to incorporate its success, but my [original] idea was to simply use people to come together, self-organize (and if others are incapable of doing this I am particularly gifted in this ability, for reference) and use the lure of having a project that will incorporate everyone’s ideas in it, thus giving the audience something to get hyped on, and to share with friends. The more friends, the more hype, the more hype, the more volunteers, the more volunteers, the more resources and abilities we have to expand this even further.

Now, concerning your post, I do not know how to link projects or declare preriodic milestones, results and transfers. But I will definitely, as I learn how, create opportunities for others to collaborate. It’s a universe that’s based on collaboration, baby. :)



ago @ Mechai

Welcome, [Benzu]! It's great to have you on %%0 \rightarrow \infty%%. Is your project instantiating the idea of Merge Worlds to take the best out of alternate histories into the perfect history? Can I link your project to this idea?

Now, that you have a brand new project page on 0oo, feel free to start declaring project periodic milestones, results and transfers (using the buttons below the project) to share some of your progress with the world, and create opportunities for others to collaborate. :)



ago @ Integrating education and industry

I would love to see television programs about people working and exactly what they do in a day. And folloe a project to completion. Like documenting a business process. It would teach so many people.



ago @ Integrating education and industry

Yes, well, it is almost done in Japan. Students do go almost directly to the enterprises and companies after graduation via something called shūkatsu (就活), whereby job is almost guaranteed, because the relationship usually starts way before their graduation, usually with internships a year before graduation, which are more like relationship building than usual internships.

However, only thinking about education and industry is too narrow. I think, there should be integration between:

Education = Industry = Entertainment, and I've described that here (section about schools and jobs).



ago @ SolarPunk Future

Future doesn't actually exist but is refreshed and happens after every decision or thought in the now. We live in a cause and effect universe - every change in the universe gives the effect for the next state. So you can run the universe to completion by knowing all the conscious decisions each particle makes. Your coffee mug is conscious. "Now" is refreshed repeatedly like a rhythm. Every other being gets to make a decision to react to your decision. So past present and future happen all at once, together. Like one event. This is how eternity exists between each second. Every effect on the universe creates a separate timeline that is true to that decision. That's your memory. Every you is true to yourself. I think people who suffer or have pain have it incorporated into their lives to serve some greater experience or purpose. God is good he doesn't make us suffer for no reason. We might even cause the suffering to ourselves. I truly believe everybody gets what they want and believe to be true. In other words, everybody gets the consequences of their thoughts and decisions.

This is how God can show you your own funeral a near death experience when you get to decide whether to stay in the world and fulfil your mission or die in the world and complete your mission here for spiritual growth.

This is why imagining the future and defining what we want is so important to getting what we want. We need to visualize what we want to the universe so that the universe gives it to us.

What you imagine or think is a noumenon. It's a real object that can be interacted with and perceived in the spiritual plane.

I want travel to be unnecessary to get to work. My living quarters should be 5-10 minutes away from my work place. So this implies a dense living arrangement.

I want computer computation to be used for socially beneficial purposes that's why I created the category for computation for normal people. I want a resurgence of desktop computing, self hosting and the web to get better. I want organisations doing administration and necessary work for individuals - organising things of the home and supplying food deliveries. People don't have to waste their time shopping for essentials. Someone needs to organise food transport from organic farms to people's houses or communal kitchens.

I had a dream as a child of an island with an underground railway system which was concentric circles. The idea being you could travel around the circle easily. I never did solve the problem of going more central than going around laterally. You live your life as if in a particular ring.

We need more readily available cruelty free food so meat free, more vegetarian recipes/dishes. Each chicken and cow is a loving being.

Imagine a world where hotels and housing is free and you can live where you want.



ago @ SolarPunk Future

thinking, if Future is just an extension of Now, we probably will have the same Needs, but Solutions will be different. So to imagine the future is about observing now. What needs do we have - what elements are in our environment - like housing, transportation, work, education, etc.? Then, what would these elements look like in the future? Probably they will be made of different ingredients: have different features and be developed on a different set of values. Say, housing likely won't be a square box, but be more about biophilic design or in contrary - something else. How to include diversity here? What could these values be? A palette! Some will be organic, ecologic, integrative; some - darker shades.

So imagination is about augmentation.

Also, to me it seems that exploring a transitional phase from Now to Future is interesting. Where would all current buildings, things, stuff go? How would current materials/things be composted, transformed into future objects? Also, how our human identitied would transform into perceptions of the future?



ago @ Increasing the amount of love in the universe

The linked topic (link) has been inspired by this video. It talks about the same kind of problem, so you might want to reflect on it.



ago @ SolarPunk Future

I think of the Bauhaus as the futurists who turned intention into pedagogy, practices, designs, artifacts, and architecture. They turned intention into the modern world. Now that we live in a postmodern world, we are thinking through the errors and mistakes in our designs and iterating on those designs with incremental changes to the way we live modern life. We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.

A letter to the future in the form of a manifesto:

“Let us then create a new guild of craftsmen without the class distinctions that raise an arrogant barrier between craftsman and artist! Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith.”

— Walter Gropius



ago @ SolarPunk Future

To answer the topic and not Mindeys time capsule text document, sorry Ruta for that digression.

I have often wondered why all our storytelling narratives - science fiction, video games, films are so dystopian rsfher than utopian.

I want to see utopian films about societies that are different to ours. That are perfect like heaven.



ago @ SolarPunk Future

// be careful to associate destruction or destroy with bad. //

There's a concept of non-destructive destruction. The example in of "non-destructive" digestion would be factories -- that, for example, use the wood because of what wood is and can do for us due to its high level qualities, rather than because of its low level qualities (like carbon content). "Digesting" wood merely for its carbon content is a form of "destructive" destruction, destroying the essence of what wood is, disregarding the tree's efforts to grow that what it is. The "non-destructive" destruction would be the use of wood for what it is, highlighting its essence in what is being created from it, rather than using it for low-information-content substance...

Same example generalizes to other areas, for example a "non-destructive" digestion would be the one that synergistically utilizes the ingested food for what it is at high level, rather than destroying it into very low-level un-informative constituents...

I think equating "non-destructionism of essence" with "good" rathe than evil is reasonable...



ago @ SolarPunk Future


I intend to use this puzzle to research and discover methods for imaginative storytelling and then use these storytelling methods to create solarpunk art. All commenters - before posting, could you please think - does my comment help this puzzle reach a conclusion?

Thank you!



ago @ SolarPunk Future

[chronological] can you clarify your point? how does your comment relate to this research puzzle of "SolarPunk Future" (Imagining Futures in Detail in Storytelling)?



ago @ SolarPunk Future

Mindey be careful to associate destruction or destroy with bad.

There is no bad action there is only the knowledge of good and evil.

To digest food is to undergo catabolic chemical reactions to break down larger forms into smaller forms. The act of digestion is not evil but it involves destruction of forms.

Burning coal is not evil but it causes things that are considered bad.

Intent is not enough to say something is evil either.

Killing someone can be good if it stops more people from dying for example. The killing itself is not evil.

Killing others to steal their things is evil depending on your perspective. I have no problem with the killing during the French Revolution for example where the aristocratic government that starved the people were killed. But a drug addict killing someone to buy drugs would probably be evil.

Treating animals cruelly is evil. But killing animals for food is less evil.

The action and intent is not enough to decide if something is evil. It requires knowledge of every variable to decide if it is evil.

If someone is wielding a knife to kill somebody we have to know why they are wielding the knife to kill somebody. The intent to kill is not enough to designate it evil.



ago @ SolarPunk Future

// I had an entertaining thought which I don't understand myself: "..we can talk to future now!" //

Indeed. The ancients like Aristotle, Plato, Democritus, etc. perhaps did not imagine that they are writing their works for someone to read thousands of years into the future -- they probably were thinking that they are writing practical things for the current or next generation or education of the next generation, without the intent of it to be messages to the distant future, just like most people these days do not think of writing on-line as a form of writing for the future. However, the long-lasting web projects make us realize that this is the case.

I have once came around the KEO (time capsule)project, that encouraged me to write to the future, here's my attempt: KEO-message.txt (written more than 15 years ago).

