Write to Galaxies :
Treat galaxies like CD drives to send directional laser updates of our civilization, and survive in the minds of the distant future civilizations.
Sentience of Companies and their Ownership/Trade Rights : Should we allow companies to be owned, when they are sentient supra-organisms, based on subtle human-to-human relationships?
An economic system that frees humanity from unnecessary suffering and meaningless work
Object Models Search :
A search engine, that works by composing classes and uploading object models, and can make things, if it doesn't find ones that already exist.
Object Models Search :
A search engine, that works by composing classes and uploading object models, and can make things, if it doesn't find ones that already exist.
Synthesis : Organising Individual Thinking Before Synthesis
Infinity DAO Proposals : What DAO (or DAOs) could we benefit from as a community?
Base Administration
Free Materials and Equipment Time : How to make the materials and equipment execution time approach the negligible cost of running a computer or a mobile phone?
Syntropy and Living Systems : How might we design living systems that increase syntropy rather than participate in building more efficient entropy machines to exterminate and replace life on Earth?
Capitalism : What's right and what's wrong with capitalism
Organs-Funded Cryonics :
Freeze heads or brains, and get organs pay for the costs of cryopreservation...
AdLock :
In-Game Problems as Advertisement Locks
Coinplexity Project :
Resolve the scandal of cryptocurrencies, by introducing underlying asset: time-complexity itself -- as a currency.
Energy Wallet :
Create inter-blockchain wallet with time-complexity exchange based on difficulty of blocks, and associated expected energy to mine, and extinguish all cryptos with a more fundamental unit of value: measured time-complexity itself.
StarChip :
Hyper-miniaturize spacecraft, and reach the stars.
Close down all family trusts and cap how much land you can own
Consumer price breakdown requirement
Deserving market fund :
Markets allocate funds to shareholders, can markets allocate equitably too?
The Scandal of Money : There is no objective measure for value, like physical units: meter, second, ampere, etc. How to create an objective measure of money?
The Scandal of Money : There is no objective measure for value, like physical units: meter, second, ampere, etc. How to create an objective measure of money?
The Scandal of Money : There is no objective measure for value, like physical units: meter, second, ampere, etc. How to create an objective measure of money?
The Scandal of Money : There is no objective measure for value, like physical units: meter, second, ampere, etc. How to create an objective measure of money?
Ethics of Harm-Making in Market Making : How should we treat and use harm in market-making?
Ethics of Harm-Making in Market Making : How should we treat and use harm in market-making?
A "Twitter" of Impactful Money Transfers :
Make a twitter for sharing impactful transfers of money, and create a social phenomenon scaling up the impact investing and giving.
Ethical advertising : We should want to advertise what we do to eachother
Advertising as a function of wants :
There are adverts I am interested in receiving, I should have an inbox for them
Sectoral pay agreements
Scaled prices
Essential worker stipend :
Society can reward who make modern society liveable
High Incomes : How do we create universally high incomes?
All Life-Centered Design : Design Methods with All Living Species in Mind, Not Only Users
All Life-Centered Design : Design Methods with All Living Species in Mind, Not Only Users
Co-Existence Philosophy
Smart Jewellery to Capture Solo Ideation :
Tiny device that captures typed notes, photos, audio, digital sketches worn as jewellery
Multiple Bank Accounts on One Phone
Less Mobile Economies
Supply Chain Security
Make Accounting Systems Fair
Make Accounting Systems Fair
Make Accounting Systems Fair
Make Accounting Systems Fair
Agriculture Industry
Real Estate LEGO Bricks
Financial Think-Tank ("Fintank") :
Public self-explanatory, inter-lingual, financial, programmable, hierarchical think-tank
Financial Think-Tank ("Fintank") :
Public self-explanatory, inter-lingual, financial, programmable, hierarchical think-tank
Financial Think-Tank ("Fintank") :
Public self-explanatory, inter-lingual, financial, programmable, hierarchical think-tank