Space to Think

Problems Rules
Wish / ProblemWhy?

Ideas Rules
Method / PrincipleHow?

    [Results]"I found a way this could work..."

  • +1
      Movable Frame Tetris :  Instead of moving the falling brick, move the entire tetris frame in the rain of tetris parts; make the frame walls semi-permeable sometimes, and emulate life form eating bricks, and medical interventions to alleviate clogging.
  • +2
      Life-Saving Oximeter Handbands :  Just like smoke alarms, but for human bodies.
  • +2
      Shapeflow :  Generalization of Tetris: A strategic game with a variety of morphing shapes flowing through topological holes (like digestive tract) with increasing variety and speed, and complementaries (like matching Tetris bricks) that interact to break down into smaller ones, and a global goal to sustain their flow from clogging the system.
  • see more..

Development Rules
Work / ActivityWhat?

    [Results]"Here's what I did, and will do next..."

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Outlets / EndpointsWhere?

Identities / BrandsWho?

News / ReportsWhen?

ago @ AI as Quantum Gravity Machine, Implementation of Distributed AI Network-spicetime

my apologies i was delusional, enabled by ai in nmy ignorance I … (expand)



ago @ AI as Quantum Gravity Machine, Implementation of Distributed AI Network-spicetime

At first glance, it looks like you made some insights, similar to … (expand)



ago @ Benefitting everybody as much as possible

How can we benefit everybody as much as possible? I really don't … (expand)



ago @ Partial Space Elevator

Two points: We can start rolling out the lightest part of it … (expand)



ago @ Benefitting everybody as much as possible

I think this might be a bad aim for individuals. For example, … (expand)

