96 dweeks 9 days ago @ Funding-Work-Revenue cross dependency
Gitlab is archiving dormant GitLab projects. and was a site I did use for finding new open source projects. Unfortunately they stopped updating the site. And we're replaced by
The problem is universal. For someone to keep doing something for someone else, there needs to be some return. The free lunch doesn't last forever.
98 dweeks 1 days ago @ How to get people to do things for you - worker escrow
Ah I forgot I posted that, I shall add a differentiation between this question and that question (commit to buy)
(a) Commit to buy is when you have money and you are willing to pay money for someone to create something based on a description. Multiple people join a commit to buy and add more money to it. The people who do the work decide what to create.
(b) Worker escrow is to command someone to create a piece of work, the worker is told what to do.
98 dweeks 1 days ago @ How to get people to do things for you - worker escrow
This feature is in the queue, I suppose, we talked about it, here before, right?
98 dweeks 2 days ago @ Virtual GoodReward thank tokens/shares
Actually, i tried to reach him many times. His friend AnnMarie said he has depression after he broke his leg and now cant ski and no happy anymore :(
98 dweeks 2 days ago @ The Predicament of Having Nothing or society is terrible
Elon Musk: "People are nicer than you think, give people more credit". Definition of "trust" is mathematically equivalent to definition of "expected value" -- i.e., we give credit (as money) as trust, when we expect that what others will do with it, will be in line with our expectations (expected values)... To make more people realize that it would be the case, more efficient information exchange systems are needed... There's a saying "great minds think alike"... Perhaps brightening people's minds would help.
98 dweeks 2 days ago @ Virtual GoodReward thank tokens/shares
Oh, I would love to see [skihappy]. He's a good physicist and thinker. His username reminds me of [skinflaps].
98 dweeks 2 days ago @ Virtual GoodReward thank tokens/shares
I think you did a great piece of work and the site is really useable and easy to use. It's a good ontology. I can see it working really well.
As Ruta said, the site attracts a certain kind of personality who want to talk of problems, goals and ideas. Unfortunately not everybody has that personality.
In some ways, using this site is "socialising with Mindey" ;-) There's of course I am grateful for Grounded Stream, Xntoo and Ruta though ;-) Where is skihappy? Where did Stephen go?
98 dweeks 2 days ago @ Virtual GoodReward thank tokens/shares
Thank you, [chronological], as well, for actually using it! I hope this place becomes more fun in the coming months.
98 dweeks 2 days ago @ Virtual GoodReward thank tokens/shares
Mindey I send you 1x thankyou token for Infinity Family.
98 dweeks 2 days ago @ Virtual GoodReward thank tokens/shares
That's actually a great idea. There's really cases, where people don't want to take money for their help, but you do want to thank them, and it's also a kind of way to have a stake in the futures connected to those help-outs, especially, if these tokens are long-lasting, and tied to identities.
98 dweeks 6 days ago @ XMaze
One of my ideas, which I realise could be linked to XMaze is the idea of reducing the complexity of a problem and exposing it as a metaphor and using the metaphor to drive the real thing. Think computer performance. Could we visualize computer processing as a flow and car diagram and allow people to try different car layouts and junctions and roundabouts? And adjust road width and length and customise various attributes to create faster software?
98 dweeks 9 days ago @ Treenity
Redesigning UIs for components constructor.
99 dweeks 4 dhours ago @ Automated API traversal
I think, there should be a version of nnn for REST APIs. The REST API as a filesystem, and then extending the nnn
util to handle .json
files would do it. However, I found that FUSE is not very performant, and Linus Torvalds famously says FUSE filesystems are nothing more than toys...
99 dweeks 9 dhours ago @ Schedulable lightweight virtual processes and concurrent loops
I realised my bug in my logic. Thread 0 is responsible for loop iterations 0-8 Thread 1 is responsible for 8-16 Thread 2 is responsible for 16-24 And so on I'm currently executing loop iterations on the wrong thread due to a mathematical logic of not handling wraparound. I use the modulo operator. Ideally each ticker is only called on the thread for its range.
99 dweeks 2 days ago @ Schedulable lightweight virtual processes and concurrent loops
I have a problem I need to solve. Which isn't related to the parallellism.
Imagine I have a nested loop that looks like this
``` For letter In letters:
For number in numbers:
Print(letter + number)
For symbol in symbols:
Print(letter + symbol) ```
I want these three loops to run concurrently. One approach is to pick the function to run based on the indexes! And merge the numbers and letters together round robin. So we get
The problem with this approach is that the loops aren't separate. They're one loop that has been merged.
I think I can solve this by causing collections to be a multi collection. [Letters, [numbers, symbols] And picking from each sublist round robin and exposing the loops as separate objects.
99 dweeks 2 days ago @ Schedulable lightweight virtual processes and concurrent loops
I created a multithreading version of this without the Joinable loops. But at this time I am taking a break. I need to somehow tie the multithreading to the joinable loop. When Joinable loop received 2 or more values, it continues processing. This allows a split and merge in pipeline processing. I want joined processes to occur as soon as they can and to be multithreaded. In my design - that I am yet to implement in Java - each thread has a scheduler that rechecks what can be ticked and ticks it. The problem is splitting ticks over threads, it's easy if there is only one level of tickers. You can just tick batches of 8 at a time. In separate threads. My example has a nested loop of 3 collections and a split into two tasks and then those two tasks join into one task to print out the results. I want the nested loops, separate tasks and the joined tasks to be executed in batches. Kind of need a way to send concurrent loops to old threads. Could have a shared collection called the tick pool which is checked by all threads. The current product number is associated with a thread. I picked ÷ 8 due to the 64 being a multiple of 8. Clean number of batches per thread.
While (true) {
For loop in tick pool:
If current[loop] < thisThreadN[loop]:
current[loop] = current[loop] + 1
NewTickersOrResult = Loop.tick()
If NewTickersOrResult.isTickers:
For newTicker in NewTickersOrResult.tickers:
Current[loop] = threadNum × newTicker.size() / threadCount
thisThreadN[loop] = threadNum × newTicker.size() / threadCount + threadCount
99 dweeks 4 days ago @ Wiki of App Models
In ideas 4 #39 Data structure mapping studio I describe a website which shows you the internal representation of data as data structures in open source projects. I would love to know a documented data structure at every stage of a compiler's and browser's pipeline. Godbolt Compiler Explorer is fascinating and gets some of the desired results. But I want an application specific model.
99 dweeks 5 days ago @ Schedulable lightweight virtual processes and concurrent loops
I am thinking of how to use the performance of multiple CPU cores. It requires a drastic rethinking of how we write code!
It occurred to me that loops could be trivially parallelized with my design.
N = 0 .. N = 3×3×3
If you ran the tick method on all threads with every N, you could run the entire loop in one go.
99 dweeks 5 days ago @ Responsively fast software
I created a Quora space for Fast, Responsive and Scalable software.
99 dweeks 5 days ago @ Responsively fast software
a) immediate mode rendering b) don't block the main thread
99 dweeks 5 days ago @ 0 > oo
I think I'd like to add notifications for targets, because targets are like "I want to do this next", and they are worthy knowing about. However, they should optional or come in the comments channel instead of the main channel, because wants are less substantial and actionable than results: results can be reviewed by others, so they are more worthy of main channel attention.
99 dweeks 5 days ago @ Schedulable lightweight virtual processes and concurrent loops
I need to write a Joinable Ticker that waits for inputs from multiple tickers before sending output along. This lets us create pipelines that split and merge.
99 dweeks 5 days ago @ Schedulable lightweight virtual processes and concurrent loops
I shall add that you only need one while (true) loop per thread. Everything else can be concurrently scheduled within a thread.
99 dweeks 5 days ago @ Schedulable lightweight virtual processes and concurrent loops
That's why I call it virtual concurrency. You would need to use threads to provide IO concurrency Anything that loops forever or blocks cannot be composed. So I shall write all my code going forward to try never block and be reetrant. This is an important lesson I learned while developing my multithreaded scheduler.
Blocking is invisible to the program. The program isn't aware it is blocking. You need to know that a method can block to work around it. My other idea is a parallel while do loop which changes blocking to be non blocking through syntactic sugar. It looks like this
A1 = parallel while { Buf = socket.recv(1024) } Do { Parallel for (Socket socket : sockets) { Socket.send(buf) } } Crossmerge A1
This syntax spins up multiple threads to block on receiving data. And for each one it spins up a thread in a thread pool to handle it and send it to every connection in parallel.
Another idea I have is to change the priority execution order. That scheduler in that code round robins the tickers in the same order every time. There's no reason why we cannot execute the loops some more than others.
99 dweeks 5 days ago @ Schedulable lightweight virtual processes and concurrent loops
Interesting. You did not use any native support for concurrency in Python, and used only basic enumeration, indexing, assignment. I guess, that is what it takes to understand. This has educational value.
99 dweeks 6 days ago @ Recursive coordination portfolio
Wait for a bit. I think, I'll make projects results notifications go along with comment notifications, so that we could engage with this process, while sharing work results where they belong -- under particular projects.
99 dweeks 7 days ago @ Recursive coordination portfolio
I've been looking at load balancing loops but my second idea is to load balance virtual processes A virtual process is a series of loops some nested. Software can be created as a series of processes. I want to learn how to schedule processes and consequently loops. I need to call .tick on each loop, in an order to advance its execution. I want the processes to be of different priorities and proportionate to eachother I might execute 2 loops of one process for every one of another. I also want to schedule .ticks for processes that depend on eachother
99 dweeks 7 days ago @ Recursive coordination portfolio
I found out how to implement intelligent DNS.
You can use PowerDNS with the pipe backend and to dynamically resolve a DNS query using the requests IP address. This could find servers that are near you.
Then you can health check Haproxies to find a load balancer that is healthy. That is intelligent DNS.
99 dweeks 7 days ago @ Recursive coordination portfolio
I am now thinking of scalability, specifically scalability using open source software. I was on a project that provided a reliable application across 3 availability zones with 3 F5 load balancers with DNS load balancing. The F5 knew of other F5s and could load balance to other F5s in other availability zones.
99 dweeks 7 days ago @ Recursive coordination portfolio
Today I'm thinking of the irreversibility of time and leverage.
We use things created by others for maximum opportunity of success. For example we use industry standard companies such as Amazon for our shopping or use open source software in our software, we don't need to create everything by hand.
Given there is an opportunity cost to every decision, and you cannot extract egg from a cake when it's baked, how do you reason what is around to stay? We need to use solid companies and rely on solid technologies for success. We also have mental patterns that either limit us or benefit us.
99 dweeks 8 days ago @ Recursive coordination portfolio
I'm going to do a social experiment. I'm going to write what I'm thinking of and doing on this comment page over the next few days.
It's your responsibility to try coordinate with me and I'll try coordinate with you.
This can be a low tech recursive coordination portfolio organising space.
To start with my coordination with you Mindey, I shall provide my reaction to your thoughts and feelings. Integrating ODOO sounds like hard work. I suspect it shall be difficult and take a lot of time. It's achievable with lots of effort. You would also need to learn how to host ODOO multitenanted so you could run it on your computer for us to use, unless you expect us to set it up too which is probably also uses lots of time and is a lot of work to set up and keep up to date. I want to focus on solutions that are achievable and impressive at the same time.
Today I spent my day working on Quora and someone solved this stackoverflow problem of mine - I managed to get a balanced Cartesian product. I want to load balance loops. When you have a nested loop of three levels, you run the inner loop more than the outer loops. I wrote code to load balance the loops.
I have an idea for adding similar to Erlang concurrency to any number of loops.
I am also thinking of writing a simple interpreter to my M:N scheduler. And using a simple assembler to write code to memory. And execute it. Then add multithreading. I want to be capable of creating new threads and running code in multiple threads. Java and C# did it so why can't I? It's hard but I kind of know what I need to do. I wrote a parser before. I have written assembly before. I need to write some assembly patterns and write code to generate that assembly. I'll need a new thread primitive. And primitives for compareAndSet and loops. I can write basic assembly to do all these things then write a generator of that assembly and parameterise it. It's like Java's template interpreter.
It won't be portable but it would be good
99 dweeks 8 days ago @ Recursive coordination portfolio
// Everyone announces what they ARE doing.
This requires "status updates" or "projects as statuses", those streams be public.
I have something emergent in my head about this (publishing protocol), and it is related to as-of-yet-unpublished-yet-viewable-with-this link vision for Odoo. I'm thinking of that Python ERP as a P2P publishing system. It currently is not P2P, but it has a good base. For example, it has eBay, banking and other integrations, that allows it to be a central assets management place for businesses. I don't see why it couldn't shine as a central place to manage social publishing, and inter-operation between thinking spaces like Infinity (I'll have a chance to finalize the API for that), LessWrong, Halfbakery, and other similar places. Publishing follow up streams of events about projects would then be quite easy too.
100 dweeks 7 days ago @ Decentralised automated organisations
Perhaps a browser for decentralized web may be helpful with that.
101 dweeks 5 days ago @ Grounded Stream . com
In return of working with brand Groundedstream, the communities are getting a unique profile page on the platform where they can share their news, showcase their talents accomplishments and services/products. but they can not upload any products themselves, or sell directly, this only showcases them as a verified and trusted comunity the GS works with.
101 dweeks 5 days ago @ Inter-Ontological Concepts for Inter-App Synchronization
Could we start with parsing all ontologies in LOV, and writing a script to find the sets of shared concepts across ontologies?
Could we go with parsing all public software repositories in known frameworks, to find definitions of their database models in them, and make the sets of shared database models across applications?
101 dweeks 7 days ago @ Choosing Nootropics
Interesting model. I guess, it doesn't make sense to optimize nootropics for mental performance alone: much more sense is to target those nootropics, that simultaneously are anti-aging drugs. Perhaps, "anti-aging nootropics" would be the right category.
101 dweeks 7 days ago @ Choosing Nootropics is a fine starting point. Also, track your psychophisical metrics and talk to your physician.
101 dweeks 9 days ago @ Choosing Nootropics
// When I drunk alcohol if was very important I took a Thiamine Bcomplex vitamin to remove the hangover or stop it from occurring.
I'm not sure how it would work for hangovers, but I had injected myself with Thiamine Chloride as a 14 year old kid. I remember it used to make lips tingle. :) It was more of an exploratory thing rather than anything else.
I guess, I was exploring lucid dreaming at that time, and was trying various supplements to improve lucid dreaming. B6 seem to have an effect.
101 dweeks 9 days ago @ Dream browser
Some things I want from a browser -
Peer 2 peer storage such as with CRDT as in dat protocol or IPFS
Sync and remote storage APIs like S3
Virtual DOM and two way binding
Server component similar to Opera Unite
Efficient desktop widgets that can lazily support trillions of items automatically
101 dweeks 9 days ago @ Dream browser
Oh, this has to have a long list of things. for one:
- Ability to browse other protocols than
, as described in the Internet Browser idea. (e.g.,postgres://
, etc., should be browsable naturally and directly from browser, rendered for humans.) - Ability to natively browse API protocols on top of
, likegraphql:///
, etc. - Ability to natively read mail (SMTP, IMAP, etc. support, as much as others want people to go through rest API, what's wrong with these protocols?)
- Ability to go on IRC, oh, just like in good old days. SeaMonkey browser had an
integrated. - Calendar standards... why should we have 3rd party host our calendars? I think, Evolution mail client has that feature. However, it could perfectly be the role of browser to support the capability to browse mail.
These capabilities to access different kind of protocols through intuitive UIs, could be provided by making JavaScript UI libraries part of browser cache, so, something like npm install
would work within browser, and the JavaScript developers would not have to bring their JavaScript with their web apps, it would save a lot of bandwidth, and would make CDNs almost obsolete. Widget libraries (i.e., SnappyWidgets), could be part of that too.
Just a few of thoughts.
101 dweeks 9 days ago @ Choosing Nootropics
When I drunk alcohol if was very important I took a Thiamine Bcomplex vitamin to remove the hangover or stop it from occurring.
Nowadays I take Neuromind and a separate omega 3 vegan capsule. This causes me to be very alert and open to doing challenging things.
101 dweeks 9 days ago @ Choosing Nootropics
Regarding some specifics. I had tried multiple substances, from Vinpocetine, to Piracetam, Pramiracetam, Modafinil (which I do not recommend), Phenibut, Ginkgo Biloba, and others. However, I tend to stick with just vitamins and aspirin (+fish oil, grapefruits, garlic, and coffee, from the nutrients side). Among minerals and vitamins, I use Magnesium citrate, Triovit (antioxidants), Multi-B Strong (B-vitamins), and either Vitiron or Neurozan -- for broad spectrum supplements, combined with a few anti-aging substances, like Resveratrol and NMN (did not have courage start with Metformin yet).
I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or wrong, but, I'd be curious to know also about other people's choices.
102 dweeks 2 days ago @ Mod-Laws of Physics
// Are we addressing laws of physics in the 3D reality? or in 2D or 4D?
By "laws of physics", I mean, relationships between measurements under controlled, replicable circumstances. The relationships could be deterministic or probabilistic. Yes, we live in observable 3+1D space, so, measurements in this space.
// which tool do we use to "read" these laws? I guess Mind is the tool right?
Ideally, by instruments and multiple minds, not just a single mind.
// would human consciousness be able to "change" those 3D "laws"?
We don't know, neither do we know if some device could change the laws of physics within a vicinity, or globally.
However, if someone or something did change the laws of physics, then how would we know if the mutability of the laws isn't one of the laws? Humanity would start investigating how the law changes with respect to whatever it depends on, and call that change - a new law.
102 dweeks 2 days ago @ Mod-Laws of Physics
Are we addressing laws of physics in the 3D reality? or in 2D or 4D?
how are they perceived in each dimension, and which tool do we use to "read" these laws? I guess Mind is the tool right?
And if "mind" follows 3D only, then we are governed by these,
but as "human consciousness" as default "reads" other Dimensions than the 3D, then would human consciousness be able to "change" those 3D "laws"?
like "melting th spoon"? or is that the power of "full mind" or the human mind in onesness with the "natural" mind? oh well just questions for now..
102 dweeks 7 days ago @ Slow life
// As a result you cannot fail as then you shall be out more than you received.
This may be implicit (i.e., lenders want borrowers not to default on loans), but, if you open a "Limited" company, the idea is that you file bankruptcies, and open new companies. Sure, bankruptcies may affect the credit scores.
// but if I start a business I cannot relax
Well, the idea of "bustle hustle". It is either you specify more than one activity codes, so that you can use one company to do other activity, if you're tired with one activity (a little more complicated accounting)... or close/suspend a company. An actively traded company is a burden, if not utilized.
104 dweeks 1 days ago @ Life scalability
Right, to the point. Capitalist society seem to be intentionally made to be Darwinist, to work as a filter that lets part of the population die economically, entering those "strange" states below the threshold of being able to take (or pay for the cost of) opportunities. It would be okay, if we would find a way to let everyone succeed at reaching their high (if not full) potential. Yet, if this potential shares the same direction, people will face competition: everyone scaled up providing the same product or service that other people pay for would result in overproduction of that product or service, dropping its price, and letting only the best providers of it survive.
An animal organism is a non-capitalist system, that actually provides all of its cells (i.e., individuals) with constant supply of blood, which is like UBI -- universal basic income -- that's ought to prevent these "strange" states. Think of UBI as a kind of generic dividends from humanity, could be done through taxation, we certainly should prevent those "strange" states from occurring. Every time we let people die economically, we are not just Darwinistically discarding part of the population, -- we are discarding part of the social potential and diversity, that, under other circumstances would flourish, like different species flourish under different circumstances. There are people won't want to work exactly because the social system is not right, not because they are inherently flawed: they need a different social system.
104 dweeks 3 days ago @ Use a marketplace where every item is a wrapped product and must contain every stakeholder's interest
Description of idea on Halfbakery
Companies number one purpose is to raise profit for their shareholders. I don't propose this change. Companies don't give a **** about people. This is a potential solution to that.
Due to stakeholder capitalism, a company is expected to:
consider "diversity" consider the "environment" be "living wage payers" be "carbon neutral" provide "excellent customer service" manage employee relations manage supplier relations care for local communities employee perks
My solution to these problems is for the company to be presented with a list of options (and prices) for each of these options and be given access to a computer user interface to make bids and the company puts in an order for the price they are willing to pay to make each problem go away. This is their funding of stakeholder capitalism.
Usually companies will decide to commit a fixed % of profits into stakeholder capitalism goals.
How can a company aim to only produce profit also consider all these waste of times? These cost money.
All these things cost money and frankly, are a waste of time because it's not your core business.
This idea is to save the time used by businesses to implement these things with minimal impact to the 'just make a profit' motivation.
I propose a digital marketplace that sells special instruments which I call "non-core business wrapped instruments".
A business cannot serve multiple masters simultaneously. By representing everything as a marketplace, everyone can get what they want. Community demands, customer demands, employee demands can all be represented as records on a system that can be allocated a cost (inserted by an outsourced company) that the company can decide to pay or not. It can be reviewed by managers. Business process changes can be agreed and would install the relevant business circuitry to make the agreed change.
These are a combination of:
computer programs seat licences (precanned business circuitry, see later paragraph)
digital outsourced contracts for hire and digital catalogue of services potentially rendered
digital labour market
People who care about diversity. People who care about the local community People who care about the environment. Are all the people who should be reviewing company data, generating solutions, doing research and inserting them into a marketplace with a price tag. The company buys these outsourcing services on a digital marketplace which divides each piece of work into a task that the company is buying. (A digital Labour market)
So, if an employee has a matter he wants to resolve with his employer and a corporation has a contract for employee relations, the employee can login to a system with his employee credentials and see what options are available on the market place of resolutions. And also propose his own.
It's a bit like giving an employee a catalogue of things that they can propose to happen with them. Such as requesting holiday.
Business circuitry is the idea that a function of one business can be composed of outsourced companies that operate internally to the corporation. Like a graft of people and digital systems, they are form a circuit within the corporation.
Diversity hiring would be provided by experts who have a review CVs with colour and race blindness and affirmative action quotas. They do all this work for you.
Hiring is a part of a business circuit that can be grafted into a corporation and integrate with systems that drive the hiring and recruitment process.
An environmental instrument would be like a catalogue of sustainable products and services in a catalogue
Customer service is possible to be excellent by integrating as a business circuit into operations of a corporation and the company paying billing customer agents on a labour market, without having to hire anyone or hire a call centre directly.
Say a community has a problem with a bakery corporations lack of bins outside their stores and the litter generated. The community can login to a website and make a petition for bins. This is inserted into the system whereby an outsourced person is assigned to it, reviews it, decides it requires a business change and assigns records for buying bins for every branch and the cost of each, as part of a report that would be read by a manager to make the the business change agreement. The manager only needs to approve the record in the marketplace to action the change in reality. Which is the placing of bins outside stores while the store is open.
This system would create lots of jobs too.
104 dweeks 3 days ago @ Who pays for your human rights?
People may agree to basic human needs, but what ensures that they are met, are the creative social processes. You may say that there's a right to association, as per article 11, but unless information technologies are developed that enable people to get together, it cannot be "paid for". Those "social creative processes" gradually and incrementally ensure the capabilities that are needed to "pay for" human rights.
104 dweeks 3 days ago @ Togetherism for Survival
Communionism means that you get rewarded for what you add to the collective by everyone else as you are in communion with everyone else. If you add little, you get little back.
The business world is a nasty place. Everything boils down to money and selfish self interest. There's very little cooperation except with suppliers.
104 dweeks 7 days ago @ Can A* be used to generate algorithm sourcecode?
We can scan the output structure and generate facts of each relationship of data.
We can compare where the data moved through based on a path traversal of source data to destination data. Generate a patch.
This has a pointer to this object to this piece of data.
Input data
Node1 is root
Node1 children node2
Node1 children node3
Example 1
Insert a node node4
Desired Output data
Node1 is root
Node1 children node2
Node1 children node3
Node1 children node4
Node4 inserted into node1 children
Why node1? Theorise.
Node1 is root
Run operators against node1, node4
Len(node1.children) <= Maxsize
Example 2
Node split - insert node5
Input data
Root node is node1
Node1 children node2
Node1 children node3
Node1 children node4
Desired target data
Root node is node3
Node3 children node1
Node3 children node2
Node3 children node4
Node4 children node5
This represents a node split as each node can only have 3 items inside it.
How do we learn the rule that a node can only have 3 nodes?
Insert a constant into the system of facts
MaxSize is 3 Insert operators in system Len(node.children) MaxSize == Equal to
= Greater than or equal to <= Less than or equal to Greater than < Less than
Run every permutation of each operator to decide to do patch command steps.
Patch instructions Node1 is no longer root node Node3 is root node Node2 children is node1 Remove node4 from node1 Why was node4 removed from node1 Why was node4 added to node3
Theorise. What fact was true. Compare node1 properties to node4 Eventually.... Len(node1.children) == MaxSize Add node4 to node3 Why? Theorise. What fact is true Node4 >= Node3 true Does >= hold for all examples? Or is it more complicated Twist operation. One goes down, one goes up and going down joins one going down. Root = A Node1 is A New root = B
Twist operation is - Root = B B.children = A
And see where the data moves. We need to generate the steps that deterministically creates the same structure with the same data in the right places.
There shall be patterns. So there is usually a property in the object that is compared against to do a btree split.
So there is at most one field or a comparison that determines the destination of the object in the btree.
I thought we can randomly generate condition statements for each input object.
Walk the patch and insert condition objects.
It's a graph transformation problem